Faculty of Medicine


The uOttawa Faculty of Medicine is founded on two fundamental pillars: education and research. Located in Canada’s capital city, we are a world-class, bilingual Faculty with a specific mandate to teach and expand medical expertise in both official languages, English and French. Our commitment to excellence in teaching and research extends through our international partnerships and collaborations and, together, our researchers, clinicians and students strive to meet the changing health care needs of local and global communities.

Our highly competitive, MD program is proud to serve Canada’s three founding cultures, Aboriginal, Francophone and Anglophone. Our students rank among the top in Canada on the Medical Council of Canada’s licensing examinations and in the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) competitive process. In 2015, 99.4 per cent of our graduates were matched for residency training after the first and second rounds. Our Indigenous Program is specifically designed to develop awareness of indigenous cultures and increase the number of Aboriginal students in the medical education program.

Through our affiliation with five local academic health science centres in Ottawa, the Faculty provides opportunities to train with internationally renowned health experts in competitive settings. Additionally, students and residents can train through a number of remote Canadian and international health care centres. Our recent partnership with the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine will provide staff and students with a number of exclusive opportunities in family medicine, research and clinical training at our satellite campus in China for the Ottawa-Shanghai Joint School of Medicine.

The Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) program is designed to provide innovative academic and clinical experiences through a variety of educational strategies. Over the last decade, we have increased our number of specialty programs from 40 to 71. These programs all lead to certification by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC).

The MSc and PhD programs offer students and research fellows the opportunity to pursue ground-breaking research with esteemed faculty members in areas including neuroscience, cardiovascular diseases, regenerative medicine, infectious diseases, systems biology, epidemiology, molecular biology, biochemistry and immunology.

Our MD/PhD program offers students the unique opportunity to pursue two degrees over seven years based on a single, integrated curriculum. This curriculum combines our existing undergraduate medical education with approved doctoral graduate programs.

The Faculty is proud of its reputation as a leading medical institution with worldwide partnerships and high calibre research outcomes. We offer our students a dynamic learning environment supported by cutting-edge technology, such as the University of Ottawa Skills and Simulation Centre (uOSSC), Canada’s largest and North America’s second largest medical simulation facility designed to enhance patient safety by informing best clinical practice through innovative research.

The University of Ottawa is a top 10 Canadian university, ranked 6th for impact (2015 CWTS Leiden Rankings), 7th for research intensity (2016 Research Infosource) and is currently ranked 3rd in Canada for medical/science grants according to Maclean’s magazine for 2016. We are dedicated to excellence in education and research and offer a unique international experience for our students, who are among the best and brightest.

Jacques Bradwejn, MD, FRCPC, DABPN

Disciplines offered