Calendars > Student responsibilities regarding academic affairs
The University of Ottawa is committed to assisting students achieve their goals in regards to academic success. To this end, the University has put into place a support network to help throughout a students studies. However, students must assume certain responsibilities.
- choose a program of study best suited to their personal goals and plan course selections that will satisfy the requirements of their chosen program;
- attend classes;
- consult academic advisors, whose role is to help students reach their academic goals and to provide guidance in the interpretation of academic regulations and program requirements;
- become familiar with, and respect sessional dates, academic regulations and procedures;
- pay, within the prescribed deadlines, any fees associated to their program of study;
- understand what constitutes academic fraud and plagiarism;
- comply with instructions from individuals of the University concerning safety and security in certain classes and laboratories;
- regularly consult InfoWeb to confirm registration, final grades and grade reports produced at the end of each session;
- respect the policy on computer and network use;
- regularly consult their e-mail at the address assigned (@uottawa.ca), which the University will use in all communications with students;
- consult with the Access Service who will make the necessary accommodations for special needs based on established policies;
- conduct themselves in a manner that respects the rights of other members of the University community, the regulations and protocol of the University, and the laws of Canada.