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Calendars > Faculty of Engineering > Software Engineering

Software Engineering

Software engineering is the newest engineering program at the University of Ottawa. Its objective is to educate and train students in the scientific methods, engineering principles and professional practices of the following activities:
- analysing problems to determine economical software solutions;
- developing well-organized and effective system requirements;
- establishing measurable goals for such factors as safety, security, usability, performance, maintainability, reliability, adaptability and economic viability;
- designing software and systems that use more than just software in order to achieve the above goals;
- validating requirements and designs to determine whether they will indeed solve the original problem;
- implementing designs by writing well-organized programs;
- verifying that the software works correctly and that goals have been met;
- documenting the software precisely ;
- managing and coordinating software projects and the teams in charge;

- improving continually the software development process.

BASc in Software Engineering
Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship option
Graduate Studies and Research in Information Technology



BASc in Software Engineering


The program prepares students for work on all types of software from real-time to business systems, with special emphasis on telecommunications software. The program also emphasizes communication and presentation skills, teamwork, management techniques and entrepreneurship. Students in the program work on industrially relevant software projects. They are taught how to use metrics to assess the quality of software and their own personal productivity.

The Baccalaureate of Applied Science in the Software Engineering program is officially recognized by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers and gives exemption from the technical examination requirements of the Professional Engineers of Ontario and the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec or any other constituent associations of CCPE.

First year36
CHM1310Principles of Chemistry4
ENG1112Technical Report Writing3
GNG1100Engineering Mechanics4
GNG1101Fundamentals of Engineering Computation4
MAT1320Calculus I3
CSI1102Fundamentals of Software Design4
ELG1100Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering4
MAT1322Calculus II3
MAT1341Introduction to Linear Algebra3
PHY1104Fundamentals of Physics for Engineers3
PHY1304Physics Laboratory for Engineers1
Second year41
CEG2131Computer Architecture I4
CSI2114Data Structures3
ECO1192Engineering Economics3
MAT2361Logic for Computing4
SEG2100Software Design II4
HIS2129Technology, Society and Environment since 18003
PHI2394Scientific Thought and Social Values3
ADM1100Introduction to Business Management3
CSI2131File Management3
MAT2343Elements of Discrete Mathematics3
MAT2377Probability and Statistics for Engineers3
SEG2101Software Design III4
SEG2910Pratique de la profession d'ingénieur logiciel / Professional Software Engineering Practice1
Science elective23
Third year39
CEG3131Computer Architecture II4
CSI3105Design and Analysis of Algorithms I3
CSI3317Database Management Systems3
ELG3300Introduction to Telecommunications Systems and Services4
SEG3100Software Development for Large-Scale Systems4
Science elective23
CSI3310Operating System Principles3
SEG3110Advanced Object Oriented Analysis and Design4
SEG3120Analysis and Design of User Interfaces4
SEG3150Telecommunications Software Engineering4
Complementary studies elective13
Fourth year37
CSI4138Design of Secure Computer Systems4
SEG4000Projet génie logiciel / Software Engineering Project6
(This course runs from September to April) 
SEG4100Software Evolution and Project Management4
Science elective23
Complementary studies elective13
Technical elective43
CEG4183Higher Layer Network Protocols4
SEG4111Software Quality Engineering4
Technical elective46
(1) For a complete list of complementary studies electives, consult the Academic Regulations section. Depending on scheduling, HIS2129 or PHI2394 may be interchanged with the complementary studies elective.
(2) Consult the list of science electives for Software Engineering in the Academic Regulations section.
(3) SEG4000 is a two term course.
(4) List of technical electives for the Software Engineering program:
One of the following is required: 
CEG4131Computer Architecture III4
CEG4153Computer Control in Robotics4
SEG4155Telecommunications Software Design and Analysis4
Computer Science and Mathematics (one of the following is required): 
CSI3150Computational Methods for Numerical Problems3
CSI4106Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3
CSI4107Information Retrieval and the Internet3
CSI4110Systems Programming3
CSI4115Introduction to Compilers3
CSI4124Foundations of Modelling and Simulation3
CSI4128Introduction to Distributed Systems3
CSI4130Computer Graphics3
CSI4133Computer Methods in Picture Processing and Analysis3
CSI4134Pattern Recognition Techniques3
CSI4140Introduction to Parallel Computing3
CSI4150Introduction to Numerical Optimization Methods3
MAT2331Ordinary Differential Equations and Numerical Methods4
MAT2341Linear Algebra3
Other engineering disciplines electives (one of the following is required) 
CHG2317Introduction to Chemical Process Analysis and Design3
CVG2141Civil Engineering Materials3
CVG2145Civil Engineering Mechanics4
MCG2107Mechanics II4
MCG2135Thermodynamics I4
MCG2355Engineering Materials I4


Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship option


The engineering management and entrepreneurship option will appeal to students interested in managing their own enterprise. These skills are also important for engineers who are working in teams on both large and small-scale projects as they need to be able not only to design a product or process but also to market it effectively (to both their technical and administrative associates).

Entrepreneurs are knowledgeable about the legal, financial, and administrative procedures involved when starting up new companies and they are aware of the pitfalls involved. In this option students take the bulk of their complementary studies requirements from the School of Management, starting in second year.

First year39
CHM1310Principles of Chemistry4
ENG1112Technical Report Writing3
GNG1100Engineering Mechanics4
GNG1101Fundamentals of Engineering Computation4
MAT1320Calculus I3
ADM1100Introduction to Business Management3
CSI1102Fundamentals of Software Design4
ELG1100Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering4
MAT1322Calculus II3
MAT1341Introduction to Linear Algebra3
PHY1104Fundamentals of Physics for Engineers3
PHY1304Physics Laboratory for Engineers1
Second year41
CEG2131Computer Architecture I4
CSI2114Data Structures3
ECO1192Engineering Economics3
MAT2361Logic for Computing4
SEG2100Software Design II4
HIS2129Technology, Society and Environment since 18003
PHI2394Scientific Thought and Social Values3
CSI2131File Management3
MAT2343Elements of Discrete Mathematics3
MAT2377Probability and Statistics for Engineers3
SEG2101Software Design III4
SEG2910Pratique de la profession d'ingénieur logiciel / Professional Software Engineering Practice1
Science elective13
Third year39
CEG3131Computer Architecture II4
CSI3105Design and Analysis of Algorithms I3
CSI3317Database Management Systems3
ELG3300Introduction to Telecommunications Systems and Services4
SEG3100Software Development for Large-Scale Systems4
Science elective13
ADM2340Financial Accounting3
CSI3310Operating System Principles3
SEG3110Advanced Object Oriented Analysis and Design4
SEG3120Analysis and Design of User Interfaces4
SEG3150Telecommunications Software Engineering4
Fourth year40
ADM3313Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
CSI4138Design of Secure Computer Systems4
SEG4000Projet génie logiciel / Software Engineering Project6
SEG4100Software Evolution and Project Management4
Science elective13
Technical elective33
CEG4183Higher Layer Network Protocols4
GNG4170Engineering Law3
SEG4111Software Quality Engineering4
Technical elective33
Etrepreneurship/Management elective43
(1) Consult the list of science electives in the Academic Regulations section.
(2) SEG4000 is a two term course.
(3) Consult the list of technical electives as shown in the regular program.
(4) Electives for the engineering management and entrepreneurship option:
ADM1101Social Context of Business3
ADM2336Organizational Behaviour3
ADM3318International Business3
ADM3319Comparative Management3
ADM3324Industrial and Technology Marketing3
ADM3326Advertising and Sales Promotion Management3
PHI2397Business Ethics3


Graduate Studies and Research in Information Technology

Undergraduate studies are the first step in the education of a modern information technology specialist. Some graduates take jobs and continue their education through experience or through participation in continuing education programs. Others pursue advanced degrees in specific areas of interest. In recent years, an advanced degree has become increasingly important for those seeking technically oriented careers. SITE offers graduate study and research opportunities in a wide range of specializations in all its disciplines.

SITE professors have active research programs in many of the latest technological areas. Our research strengths include, among others, artificial intelligence, electromagnetics, electronic commerce, image processing, multimedia, networking, robotics, signal processing, systems and control, telecommunications and photonics.

Graduate programs can lead to a MEng, MASc, MSc or PhD degree. Graduate studies in electrical engineering and in computer engineering fall under the auspices of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical and Computer Engineering (OCIECE). A part-time evening program is available for the MEng degree. A full-time co-operative program leading to the MASc degree is also available. The Ottawa-Carleton Institute runs graduate studies in computer science (OCICS). An advanced degree in software engineering can be pursued in OCIECE or in OCICS.

Detailed information on graduate studies is presented in the calendar of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.



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