The uOttawa campus has grown beyond its historic site on the east bank of the Rideau Canal and today includes the former Algonquin College lands on the Rideau River and facilities adjacent to the Ottawa Hospital. All of these three areas, described below, are included in the campus master plan.

Our precincts

Core Precinct

The Core Precinct is where the bulk of teaching, research and socializing occurs on campus. With several buildings at or approaching the end of their useful life, there is the potential through redevelopment to accommodate significantly more academic space in the precinct. At the same time, there is a pressing need and opportunity to create new green spaces and better pedestrian connections.

  1. New University Centre (Location to be determined)
  2. Montpetit redevelopment
  3. Learning Centre
  4. New academic or mixed-use building on Lot K
  5. New MacDonald Hall and adjoining building
  6. Pedestrian priority area
  7. University Square
  8. Marion Square
  9. Improved Grande Allée
  10. New uOttawa LRT Station
  11. Pedestrian / bike network improvements
  12. Public realm improvements and service access to Lot K from Laurier
  13. New student residence
Rendering of core precincts

Tabaret Precinct

The Tabaret Precinct is the historical heart and an administrative hub of the University, and also home to the Desmarais building. Proximity to the downtown core and the Byward Market make this precinct the ideal location for arts facilities used by both the University and the broader community. The precinct will be incrementally revitalized with new infill developments and building additions designed in a manner that respects the highly valued character of the precinct.

  1. Infill academic buildings
  2. New building
  3. 100 Laurier renewal
  4. Arts Court development site
  5. Improved Tabaret Lawn / Grande Allée
  6. Re-designed Waller Street
  7. Improved pedestrian crossing
  8. Intersection improvement
Rendering of Tabaret precinct

King Edward Precinct

King Edward Avenue will become a more integral part of the campus over time. Redevelopment on both sides of the street can help the University meet needs for academic space, housing and services close to the core of campus. New active uses that serve the University population and the Sandy Hill neighbourhood will be supported by improvements to the King Edward streetscape to make it more inviting and enhance the image of the campus.

  1. Academic / mixed-use development
  2. Potential new buildings
  3. Potential neighbourhood scale infill
  4. Upgraded streetscape
  5. New open space - King Edward Park
  6. New streets / pedestrian connections
  7. New/improved intersections
Rendering of King Edward precinct

River Precinct

The three precincts that comprise the Lees area have the potential to contribute significantly to both campus growth and city building. The River Precinct contains mostly obsolete buildings. Over time, it has the potential to become a “campus within the campus” with a strong relationship to the Rideau River.

  1. Consolidation of the Faculty of Health Sciences

  2. Academic or mixed-use buildings

  3. Green quad

  4. Riverfront trail

  5. Pedestrian bridges

  6. Pedestrian access to Lees Station

  7. Dock and boat house

Rendering River precinct

Alta Vista Precincts

The University’s facilities at Alta Vista are fundamental to its mission and will be critical in advancing uOttawa as a research institution. There are many opportunities to expand facilities, develop new buildings and improve the public realm.

  1. Additional academic space

  2. New academic building

  3. Structured parking

  4. Plazas

  5. Multi-use pathway

  6. Intersection improvements

  7. Additional academic space

  8. Intersection improvement

  9. Academic/mixed-use buildings

  10. Academic/research buildings

  11. Green quad

  12. Public realm improvements, pedestrian/bike paths

  13. Structured parking

Rendering Alta Vista precinct