Designated substances reports and hazardous materials surveys

Inventory of building materials on campus containing Designated Substances and other hazardous materials, as defined under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act.


The designated substances reports are an inventory of the location and condition of substances like asbestos and lead. New information may be found in these documents and must be consulted before any work or construction projects. 

  • Note that some areas that were previously identified as non-containing have come back positive for ACM after several samples were taken using the legislative threshold of 0.5% legislated by O. Reg 278/05. 

NOTE: if material is not disturbed and are in good condition, THERE IS NO RISK. 

If you suspect a potential exposure, submit an incident report with Health and Wellness.

List of designated substance reports and hazardous materials surveys

Quick Reference Guide to the Designated Substance Reports is now available to download. Please note that this guide does NOT replace the actual DSRI and in the event of the presence of asbestos containing material, the DSR must be consulted for more specific information.

If you have any questions about designated substances, please refer to the Asbestos FAQ document or you can contact the Asbestos Coordinator, Martine Bergeron, for additional building information or help to interpret the reports.

If you wish to obtain a DSR copy of a leased building, please contact [email protected].

(Last updated: March 2023)

List format: Building # - Building name or address

001 - Academic Hall055 - 600 Peter Morand Crescent224 - 598 King Edward Ave
002 - Hagen Hall056 - 850 Peter Morand Crescen225 - 600 King Edward Ave
003 - 52 University Pvt060A/E - 200 Lees Ave226 - 603 King Edward Ave
004 - Tabaret Hall 
004 - Tabaret Hall - Ceiling Space 
102 - 601 Cumberland St227 - 621 King Edward Ave
005 - 100 Laurier Ave East106 - Henderson Residence228 - 631 King Edward Ave
006 - Hamelin Hall110 - 74 Henderson Ave236 - 190 Laurier Ave
007 - Morisset Hall
007 - Morisset Hall - Ceiling Space
114 - 102 Henderson Ave238 - 161 Laurier Ave East
008 - University Centre115 - 104 Henderson Ave240 - 1 Stewart St
010 - Thompson Residence116 - 112 Henderson Ave241 - 30-32 Stewart St
011 - Montpetit Hall117 - 116 Henderson Ave242 - 34-36 Stewart St
012 - Perez Hall118 - 118 Henderson Ave243 - 38 Stewart St
013 - 90 University Pvt119 - 120 Henderson Ave244 - 40 Stewart St
014 - Marchand Residence120 - 128 Henderson Ave246 - 62 Templeton St
016 - Lamoureux Hall & CRX121 - 134 Henderson Ave247 - 76 Templeton St
017 - 100 Thomas Moore Ave137 - 548 King Edward Ave248 - 70 Templeton St
018 - Colonel By Hall138 - 550 King Edward Ave249 - 78 Templeton St
019F - 129, 139-141 Louis Pasteur Pvt139 - 613 King Edward Ave251 - 66 Templeton St
020 - Leblanc Residence140 - 615 King Edward Ave257 - 143 Seraphin Marion Pvt
021 - 100 Marie-Curie Pvt143 - 647 King Edward Ave258 - 145 Seraphin Marion Pvt
022 - CAREG153 - Advanced Research Complex260 - 157 Seraphin Marion Pvt
023 - Fauteux Hall
023 - Fauteux Hall - Ceiling Space
162 - 120 Osgoode St262 - 15-17 Stewart St
024 - Simard Hall
024 - Simard Hall - Ceiling Space
163 - 113 Osgoode St263 - 19-21 Stewart St
025 - Vanier Hall
025 - Vanier Hall - Ceiling Space
164 - 109 Osgoode St264 - 80 Templeton St
027 - Gendron Hall205 - 122 Henderson Ave266 - 74 Templeton St
028 - Marion Hall208 - 132 Henderson Ave268 - 72 Templeton St 
030 - Stanton Residence209 - 62 Henderson Ave275 - 15-17 Copernicus St
031 - Hyman Soloway Residence211 - 538-540 Kind Edward Ave554-556 King Edward Ave
033 - Desmarais Hall212 - 542 King Edward Ave726 - Annex Residence
034 - Faculty of Social Sciences213 - 544 King Edward Ave745 - 45 Mann Ave
038 - Power Plant214 - 545 King Edward Ave765 - 200 Wilbrod St
039 - Minto Sports Complex216 - 555 King Edward AveBrooks Residence - 620 King Edward, 75 Louis-Pasteur
040 - SITE Building218 - 558 King Edward AveBrooks Residence - 622-624 King Edward Ave, 79 Louis-Pasteur
042 - D'Iorio Hall219 - 559 King Edward AveBrooks Residence - 630-632 King Edward, 99 Louis-Pasteur
043 - Biosciences Complex220 - 562 King Edward AveBrooks Residence - 634-636 King Edward, 101 Louis-Pasteur
048 - STEM Complex222 - 599 King Edward AveBrooks Residence - 638 King Edward, 85-95 Marie-Curie
050 - Roger Guindon Hall223 - 585 King Edward AveTunnel System