The Standing Committee’s mandate is mainly to work in cooperation with the University community to build a safe learning and working environment, to develop strategies and implement initiatives to counter sexual violence on campus, and to issue recommendations in order to continually improve services, policies, procedures and other initiatives related to preventing sexual violence.


The Standing Committee on the Prevention of Sexual Violence was created on November 9, 2016, by resolution 2300.3 of.the Administration Committee.


The Standing Committee on the Prevention of Sexual Violence is a subcommittee of the Administration Committee.

Powers and duties

  • Ensure the collaboration of student organizations, faculties and administrative units to promote a safe learning and working learning environment for members of the University community
  • Ensure continuity and implement the Action Team’s recommendations related to respect and equality
  • Recommend strategies and introduce initiatives aimed at promoting a culture of respect and ending sexual violence on campus
  • Receive and review updates from every sector (including students and community members) related to sexual violence and including the following information:
    • The number and types of incidents and complaints of sexual violence reported by students and employees;
    • The number of times students or employees requested or received services, support or accommodations following an act of sexual violence and related details;
    • Initiatives, training and programs introduced to promote awareness of services and support available to students and employees;
    • Any other relevant information, questions or concerns concerning the prevention of sexual violence.
  • Make recommendations on Policy 67b - Prevention of Sexual Violence, to the Office of the President and ensure the policy is reviewed every three (3) years
  • Make recommendations to the Office of the President on additional resources necessary or on any new measures to help end sexual violence on campus
  • Make recommendations on allocating Women’s Campus Safety Grant funds
  • Produce an annual report for the Office of the President for submission to the Board of Governors
  • Review and make recommendations for sexual violence training programs. Oversee implementation and coordination of these programs and monitor their effectiveness
  • Monitor access to and implementation of academic accommodations and implementation of other measures aimed at ending sexual violence on campus while using a survivor-centered approach
  • Receive and review the annual report from the Human Rights Office


The Committee is chaired by the Director of the Human Rights Office (permanent member)


The Committee is composed of:

  • The Director of the Human Rights Office (Ex Officio Member)
  • The Associate Vice-President, Student Life (Ex Officio Member)
  • The Prevention of Sexual Violence and Dispute Resolution Officer of the Human Rights Office (Ex Officio Member)
  • One or two external members recommended by the Standing Committee on the Prevention of Sexual Violence
  • A student representative from the  UOSU
  • A student representative from the  GSAÉD
  • Between four and six students who are not executive members of a student association, including at least two undergraduate and at least two graduate students
  • A professor whose research is related to issues surrounding sexual violence in society
  • A part-time professor whose research or teaching is related to issues surrounding sexual violence in society
  • A representative from the Student Academic Success Service (SASS)
  • A representative from Protection Services
  • A representative from the Housing Service
  • A representative from Human Resources
  • A representative from the International Office
  • A representative from the Communication Directorate

All members are appointed by the President.


The term of office for committee members is two years and is renewable.


Quorum is set at a majority of members.


Meetings will be held every three months or at the call of the chair.

Secretarial services

Secretarial services are provided by the Office of the Secretary-General

If you would like to become a member of the Standing Committee, please send your CV and a letter of interest to Marie-Lou Villeneuve-Hobbs, senior advisor, sexual violence prevention, Human Rights Office. We will assess your application if a position becomes available.