The Laboratory Functional Occupational Health and Safety Committee will comprise specialized and technical employees from areas where scientific research, scientific experiments or preparation for scientific experiments are taking place. This will also include all areas which support laboratories but not those areas covered by the Alta Vista Committee, the Office Committee, or the Protection and Facilities Health and Safety Committee. To name a few examples, it will cover areas dealing with x‐ray, instrumentation, chemistry, biochemistry, hazardous waste rooms, storage rooms for chemical, biological or radioactive products, physics, animal care services, engineering, machine shops, woodworking shops, high temperature ovens, arts laboratories, autoclaves, radiation laboratories, etc.
The Laboratory Functional Occupational Health and Safety Committee has 16 members but only fifteen (15) are voting members.
The IUOE 772A and 772B will be participating and will be invited when required or when the union deems it is required. In addition, the committee has the JHSC inspector as a non‐voting member selected by worker members from the UJOHSC. The committee also has a non‐voting undergraduate student member appointed by the UOSU and non‐voting resource employees from OCRO.