Radiation Safety
Radioactive materials and sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation are essential elements of research, teaching, and clinical diagnostics at the University of Ottawa. Our group oversees all aspects of radiation safety, including, but not limited to, training, inspections, dosimetry, and regulation compliance.

The Radiation Program is the means by which the University of Ottawa ensures that users have the knowledge and training to perform their duties safely and that all work is in compliance with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Regulations.

The University of Ottawa has mandated the Radiation Safety Committee and the Office of the Chief Risk Officer to ensure the appropriate measures are in place to address any potential risk.

X-ray sources that are not regulated by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission at the University of Ottawa are usually regulated by the Ontario Ministry of Labour when these sources are analytical devices.

Electromagnetic (EM) radiation
The electromagnetic radiation (EMR) hazards presented on these pages cover sources of incoherent radiation. For hazards associated with coherent radiation, see the laser safety page.
Contact us
Radiation safety
(613) 562-5800 ext. 8081
(613) 220-7219
[email protected]