Incoherent optical sources (lamps, LEDs) are capable of producing light of sufficiently high radiance that users question whether they pose ocular or skin hazards. Some hazardous sources are obvious, like Xe arc lamps used in solar simulators, while others may not be obvious, like bright light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

IOR Safety Program

LEDs are being used more often in photochemical experiments since they are increasingly brighter and monochromatic: decreasing the cost and complexity of these experiments. Some LEDs can have similar characteristics to laser diodes [1], but their output characteristics are different. These output characteristics require its own hazard analysis, often involving several hazards over a larger spectrum.

Xenon (Xe) arc lamps are solar simulators with a broad spectrum, also spanning many ocular and skin hazard regions. Its irradiance is expressed in Suns (1 Sun = 1 kW/cm2) with some of the brightest sources on campus reaching 1000 Suns.

An IOR Safety Program needs to be aware of photobiological effects and exposure limits for these sources. These topics are provided in the links that follow, including an example evaluation.

The main reference for the photobiological effects summarized here is the 2013 Guidelines published by the ICNIRP [1], unless referenced otherwise within the text. Two organs are at risk with high-intensity incoherent light sources: the eyes and the skin. Since the eye is more sensitive than the skin to radiation, the thresholds are more restrictive for ocular exposure.

The UV portion of the spectrum is subdivided by the CIE into the UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C bands, as shown here. The infrared (IR) spectrum is also subdivided:

IR-A(780 nm – 1.4 µm)
IR-B(1.4 µm – 3 µm)
IR-C(3 µm – 1 mm)

One of the challenges with incoherent optical radiation (IOR) hazards is the polychromatic nature of the light, so several spectral hazards need to be considered. Another challenge is that these sources are not “point-like” as they are with lasers, so larger area exposures need to be considered: both the skin and the eyes. The following figure illustrates the span of challenges, using the spectrum of a Xe arc lamp. The hazards are annotated on the figure.

Spectrum of a xenon arc lamp with ocular and skin hazards annotated in their respective spectral regions. The IR bands relevant to this source are also given.

Xenon lamp spectrum from UV to IR


Ocular threshold limits are based on the appearance of lesions in a particular structure of the eye after an acute exposure (within a day of exposure).

Retinal Photochemical hazard (380 nm – 550 nm)

Photochemical damage region, or blue-light hazard region, is the most hazardous part of the spectrum since damage can occur at exposure levels similar to natural light. [1,2]. Over-exposure to this spectral range is attributed as solar blindness or welder’s flash, and can lead to scotoma. Photochemical damage follows the reciprocity rule for exposure time and intensity and is thus separated into two types: Type I results from long-term, low-intensity exposure where damage is due to constant photobleaching; Type II results from intense, short-term exposure

The sensitivity of the retina in this spectral range is given by the blue-light hazard function shown in the figure below.

Retinal thermal hazard (380 nm – 1.4 µm)

Retinal thermal damage occurs when the light exposure level is sufficient to raise the temperature of the retinal tissue, which leads to lesion formation [2]. Very bright sources are needed to cause this type of injury, usually xenon arc-lamps or lasers. In the UV, and IR-B and IR-C, light mainly deposits its energy in the cornea, which limits the retinal hazard to the spectral range indicated in this section.

This hazard is dependent on the retinal image spot size since retinal damage depends on heat conduction away from the exposure location. The sensitivity of the retina to photons in this spectral range is given by the retinal hazard function shown in the figure below.

Cornea thermal hazard (1.4 µm – 1 mm)

Water readily absorbs radiation above 1400 nm [2], so the light in this spectral range generally interacts with the cornea. The major hazard with corneal burns in this spectral range results from a lack of visible stimulus, so the individual is not aware of the presence of the beam until symptoms occur. Chronic exposure of the lens and cornea to IR radiation leads to the development of cataracts.

Calculating the effective exposure

The effective exposure of the eye to a thermal or photochemical hazard using the hazard functions below is simple. Given the spectral radiance of a source Lλ (W/cm2 sr nm), this spectral radiance is multiplied against either hazard function: replace H(λ) with B(λ) for the blue-light hazard or R(λ) for the retinal thermal hazard as shown:

Hazard function


Ocular hazard functions for the blue-light photochemical damage (labeled and in blue) and the thermal retinal damage (labeled and in red). These functions are applied against the spectral emission of the light source to determine the effective exposure of the eye.

Ocular hazard functions


Exposure limits are based on whether radiation-induced erythema (redness of the skin) occurs within 48 hours of exposure. Usually a very bright, pulsed source is required to cause skin injury.

Thermal Damage (380 nm – 1 mm)

This risk usually occurs where a very high irradiance due to a pulsed source is available. The amount of damage can depend on spot size of the light on the skin.

Photosensitization and Immune Reactions (typically UV)

See Photosensitivity and Biological Effects on the UV webpage.


[1] International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, “Guidelines on limits of exposure to incoherent visible and infrared radiation,” Health Phys. vol. 105, pp.74-96, 2013. Available: (PDF, 1.2 Mo)

[2] J. Wu, S. Seregard, P.V. Algvere, "Photochemical damage of the retina," Survey of Ophthalmologyvol.51, pp.461-481, (2006). doi: 10.1016/j.survophthal.2006.06.009