The University’s primary goal is to ensure that our approach on smoking and vaping cannabis on campus is reasonable and consistent with public health imperatives and the public interest.

University Policy 58 on smoking and vaping on campus was updated on April 3, 2019, reflecting recommendations made by an ad hoc committee to the University administration. 

The committee, chaired by David Graham, provost and vice-president, academic affairs, reviewed the results of a campus-wide consultation last fall about whether uOttawa should become a smoke-free environment, following the legalization of recreational cannabis last October. Committee members also reviewed studies on cannabis use and policies of other Canadian universities.

These updates to Policy 58 reflect new provincial legislation governing smoking and vaping cannabis.

Notice: The government's cannabis law is undergoing regular changes. This website will be updated accordingly, so please check for updates to stay informed about changes to uOttawa's cannabis rules.

Smoke-free zones at the University of Ottawa

Smoking on Main Campus

The University of Ottawa has expanded its smoke-free zones.

In accordance with Policy 58 - Smoking Policy, smoking is not permitted at the following areas:

  • University buildings;
  • covered locations;
  • tunnels, parking garages, lobbies, stairways and food service patios;
  • within nine metres of any building entrance or exit, air intake or patio;
  • sports fields, facilities and surfaces, including public areas within 20 metres of the sports fields, facilities and surfaces;
  • open communal areas, including the Tabaret lawn and patio, and University Square;
  • child care facilities and public areas within 20 metres of a child care facility;
  • the entire Alta Vista Campus, including Roger Guindon Hall, and 600 and 850 Peter Morand;

What else is new?


Please help us all respect the environment and each other. Please do not smoke in the smoke-free areas and please use the designated receptacles to dispose of your cigarette.

Smoke Free Alta Vista Campus

In compliance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, the outdoor grounds of the Alta Vista Campus – which includes the outdoor areas surrounding Roger Guindon Hall and the buildings located at 600 and 850 Peter Morand – are designated as completely smoke-free (as of January 1, 2018).

The use of tobacco products (including smokeless tobacco, e-cigarettes, etc.) by any individual including employees, students and visitors is not permitted on the grounds of the campus. This includes areas that are more than 9 meters away from buildings.

New signs (PDF, 448KB) have been installed throughout the hospital grounds. Smoking in previous smoking zones is not permitted (as of January 1, 2018). Smoking will be permitted along Smyth Road.

Protection Services will be enforcing this policy at the University of Ottawa. Individuals who wish to report non-compliance with this requirement occurring on University property may contact Protection Services at extension 5499. Non-compliance occurring on the grounds of the Ottawa Hospital may be reported to the City of Ottawa.

Please help us all respect the environment and each other by complying with this law. For more information, please consult the available resources or contact the Office of the Chief Risk Officer.