Wrapping up

Module 5.1 - Conclusion

This workshop has largely focused on the internal responsibility system and the duties of workplace parties as well as the continual improvement process. It is critical that managers, supervisors, and workers:

  • Understand and apply their workplace occupational health and safety roles and responsibilities;
  • Identify sources of danger and assess their risk of harm to personnel in their area (including documenting these actions);
  • Work together to prevent injury and illness;

But what happens if the internal responsibility system fails? In these circumstances, the external responsibility system kicks in. This system comprises the parties external to uOttawa, including regulatory and enforcement agencies such as the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. The specifics for intervention were briefly covered earlier, you should remember that internal resolution is far and away the preferred option to manage workplace health and safety matters.

You are a key component of the University’s occupational health and safety management system!

You do occupational health and safety!

Module 5.2 - Quiz

While this is the end of the online workshop, your journey is far from over. You are responsible for workplace health and safety, no matter what you do at uOttawa. This workshop briefly reviewed knowledge you acquired in current mandatory training sessions and has also explored further resources and rationale to explain why workplace health and safety is so important.

Managers and supervisors represent the employer and it is incumbent on these leaders to implement the organizational programs and procedures in their day-to-day operations.

Be a leader – identify hazards, assess their risk, control exposure, and continually improve.

If you still have questions about your roles and responsibilities or the University health and safety program, please raise any concerns with your direct supervisor first. You can raise any remaining questions with any number of resources, including unions, faculty Health, Safety and Risk Managers (HSRMs), Occupational Health and Safety Committees or the Office of the Chief Risk Officer

Successful completion of this online workshop requires that you follow all modules and then log in and complete the knowledge assessment quiz. Only if you successfully complete the quiz will your mark be recorded in the LRS system.

Ready? Take the Quiz!