This summer, the University of Ottawa shuttle will offer full regular service and NOT switch to a reduced summer schedule. Due to the temporary reduction in parking near Roger Guindon Hall with the start of AMRC construction, you may need to park on a different campus if space is unavailable at the Alta Vista campus. Throughout the summer term, overflow parking will be available on Lot G4 on Lees Avenue, near the O-Train station, with the shuttle stop conveniently located nearby on Lees Avenue at the OC Transpo stop.

Shuttle bus
Summer RGN shuttle and parking
GPS tracking available
You can get real-time location information for each shuttle, as well as seeing ETA and receiving alerts when the bus is on its way to your stop.
Just sign up for free at with your email address, and then download the “BusWhere for uOttawa” app for iOS or Android.
Please see the Shuttle Bus Stops Map for all pickup / drop off locations.
For more information please call the Parking Office at 613-562-5785.
For real-time GPS tracking download "BusWhere for uOttawa" on iOS or Android! Sign up for free.
Due to construction and traffic conditions beyond our control, this timetable is subject to change without prior notice. Please check website regularly for most up-to-date information, and use the "BusWhere for uOttawa" app on iOS or Android for real-time location updates.
Please note:
During the first few weeks of September the shuttle between Main Campus and Roger Guindon Hall may sometimes fill to its limit and you may be required to wait for the next bus (usually 30 minutes later). This is especially true from 8:00-9:30 and 12:00-14:00. If you would like to use your U-Pass with public transit instead, please use the Travel Planner at to choose the most convenient route.
Delays may occur due to traffic and weather conditions. Please use BusWhere for real-time shuttle tracking.
There are no guarantees of space availability on the shuttles. Boarding is on a first come first served basis.
For more information on the shuttle service contact:
Sustainable Transportation Office
[email protected]
613-562-5800 X:6523