It has long been recognized that exposure to biohazardous material (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, protozoa, biotoxins etc.) and potentially biohazardous material (blood, mammalian cells lines) could have detrimental impact on an individual health; depending upon the organism and health of the individual.


Biosafety icon.

The federal government has mandated specific departments to oversee the use of this material in Canada. Public Heath Agency of Canada regulates human pathogens, while the Canadian Food Inspection Agency addresses animal/plant/ pathogens. Zoonotic agents are jointly monitored.

The University of Ottawa is also concerned about the use of these agents in both research and academic laboratories, and has mandated the Biosafety Committee and OCRO to ensure the safe use and disposal of this material. The Biosafety Program is managed by the Assistant Director, Environmental Management, Biosafety, Radiation and Laser Safety, and the risk management specialist – Biosafety and is designed to assist the user in minimizing the risk of exposure. It is important to note that the increased risk of bioterrorism and agroterrorism has placed this area of research under greater scrutiny. The University is currently enhancing the Biosafety Program to address this concern, without unnecessarily burdening the research community.


Biosafety and biosecurity governance framework

This document highlights the key component of the Biosafety and Biosecurity Governance Framework; also known to the Public Health Agency of Canada as the “Plan of Administrative Oversight”. The full document is provided at the time a Biohazardous Material Use Certificate is issued, or upon request.

Objective is to achieve:

Biosafety: containment principles, technologies, and practices implemented to prevent unintentional exposure to infectious material and toxins, or their accidental release.

Biosecurity: security measures designed to prevent the loss, theft, misuse, diversion, or intentional release of pathogens, toxins, and other related assets.

Biosurety: the combination of security, biosafety, agent accountability, and personnel reliability needed to prevent unauthorized access to select agents of bioterrorism.

Through the use of:

Oversight & accountability

  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Institutional Oversight and Program Management
  • Academic and Research Activities and Facility Infrastructure

Corporate policy and directives

  • Biosafety and Biosecurity Policy
  • Institutional Biosafety Approval
  • Biorisk Management Program

Biorisk program

  • Risk Identification, Assessment and Control
  • Implementation and Operational Procedures
  • Compliance Monitoring and Reporting

The Biorisk Management Program comprises:

The founding principles are:

  1. Accountability/Responsibility Framework
  2. Communication/Education
  3. Compliance and Monitoring Activities
  4. Documentation and Data Management, and
  5. Security

These principles are then translated into thirteen operational program elements:

  1. Institutional Biosafety Approval
  2. Training /Education
  3. Compliance Verification
  4. Inventory Control (acquisition & transfers)
  5. Security
  6. Transportation
  7. Monitoring (medical, performance)
  8. Waste Management
  9. Public Awareness/Signage
  10. Decommission
  11. Inspections/Investigations/Audits
  12. Reporting (internal/external)
  13. Program Review

Biosafety Management Information System is used to as a recording and planning tool:

  1. Biosafety Program Overview
  2. Acts and Regulations
  3. Compliance
  4. Data Management
  5. Chronological Activity Journal
  6. Policies and Procedures
  7. Central File
  8. Archives

Biosafety manual

* This document is currently in translations. Due to regulatory compliance requirements, it is presently being made available in English.

Quick links

Biosafety at uOttawa

Image acquisition of bacterial specimens
To work with microbiological agents, check the Good Microbiological Practices cheat sheet on “Operational Hub”.
Dr. Robert Delatolla from Civil Engineering is doing research on characterizing bacterial species in wastewater biofilms.
Research on characterizing bacterial species in wastewater biofilms. To obtain the Internal Biosafety Approval for your research, check Getting Started on the Right Foot on “Operational Hub”.
Lab coats hanging on rack.
Check the Lab Coat Selection Guide on “Operational Hub”.

Contact us


Tel: (613) 562-5800
[email protected]