Compendium of Language Management in Canada
Jan 19, 2018 — 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) warmly invites you to its next research forum about Compendium of Language Management in Canada presented by Monika Jezak, editor, Linda Cardinal, School of Political Science and Chair of Research on Francophonie and Public Policy, University of Ottawa, Jacques Leclerc Chaire pour le développement de la recherche sur la culture d'expression française en Amérique du Nord, Pierre Foucher Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, Jean – Pierre Corbeil Assistant Director Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division, Alejandro Paez Silva Statistics Canada and Carsten Quell Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.

The Language Management Interdisciplinary Research Group (GRIGL) is proud to present its new project, a website that reports on the Canadian School of language planning ( The site offers the following content: political and institutional foundations, linguistic history of Canada, legislative framework and judgments, language rights, demolinguistic statistics, official languages governance and the international perspective.

Monika Jezak,
Assistant Director Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute
Monika Jezak is the Assistant Director of the Official Languages Institute at the University of Ottawa. She has nearly thirty years of experience teaching French as a second language to various clientele including immersion classes, adult immigrants, and within academia. She has about fifteen years of experience in French as a second language teacher training. She has been involved in the development and the administration of language tests as, among others, Chair of the Ottawa-Carleton FSL Contest, and the Certification Test Coordinator at the University of Ottawa. She provided expertise in language policy to the UNESCO and act also as expert at the Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks.

Linda Cardinal
University of Ottawa
School of Political Science and Chair of Research on Francophonie and Public Policy

Jacques Leclerc
Université Laval
Chaire pour le développement de la recherche sur la culture d'expression française en Amérique du Nord

Pierre Foucher
University of Ottawa
Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section

Jean – Pierre Corbeil
Statistics Canada
Assistant Director
Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division

Alejandro Paez Silva
Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada

Carsten Quell
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat