uOttawa campus

Fifteen months of immersion in a pandemic context: what now?

This virtual PSIRG get-together, entitled Fifteen months of pandemic: what now?, seeks first to look back at the repercussions on our research, conferences, classroom practices, and also to look towards the future and reflect on the perspectives created by these new circumstances. The event will focus on three aspects:

  1. Research : The book launches, publications, and conference presentations by PSIRG members that were rescheduled or otherwise affected by the pandemic

  2. Pedagogy: A panel of language support classes instructors in the French Immersion Stream discussing adapting to the online/ distance context

  3. Immersion in English: First, a panel of language support classes instructors discussing language support classes for international students at the Telfer School of Management; then a pre-recorded presentation by guest speaker David Lasagabaster on team teaching between language and content teachers in English-medium instruction; and finally, a presentation of uOttawa’s pilot project in Immersion in English by the Director of the French Immersion Stream.


Register for this free event with this form which will also give you the connection information.

Date and time
May 26, 2021
All day
Format and location
Online (Zoom)
English and French


1. Recherche et publications - Durée : 60 minutes

Lancements virtuels (20 minutes – 10 minutes par lancement)

  • Current Issues in University Immersion/ Enjeux actuels de l’immersion universitaire co-dirigé par Hélène Knoerr, Alysse Weinberg et Catherine Buchanan avec des contributions de Jérémie Séror, Sandy Burger, Sylvie Lamoureux, Amelia Hope. Courte présentation : Les rouages des dispositifs (synthèse).
  • Immersion at the University Level : Rethinking Policies, Approaches and Implementations co-dirigé par Hélène Knoerr et Alysse Weinberg avec des contributions de Catherine E. Buchanan, Jérémie Séror, Sandy Burger, Sylvie Lamoureux, Amelia Hope. Courte présentation : Mise à jour par rapport à l’ouvrage de 2016.

Présentation de publications (40 minutes - 10 minutes par publication)

  • Jérémie Séror et Alysse Weinberg: Bilinguisme et immersion universitaire. Vers la réalisation d'un idéal politique. Langage et Société, 172, 1, 2021, pp. 151-173.
  • Jérémie Séror et Alysse Weinberg: Students’ Transition from Secondary School French Programs into University-Level French Immersion. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 24, 1, (2021), pp. 159-180.
  • Jérémie Séror et Alysse Weinberg (sous presse): Exploring the longitudinal impact of university immersion: Bilingual spaces, multilingual values. System.
  • Hélène Knoerr (sous presse): Initial and continuing teacher education in an adjunct-based university immersion program: The roles of pedagogical advisors. In Balinger, Fielding & Tedick (eds.), International Perspectives on Teacher Education for Immersion and Content-Based Contexts. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Pause - Break

2. Pédagogie 

  • Adapter l’enseignement des CEL au contexte d’enseignement virtuel en ligne : l’expérience des professeurs de langue - Panel de discussion modérée par Hélène Knoerr avec Lison-Nathalie Gagnon, Marie-Josée Bourget, Andrea Siebra Vinet (?)

Durée : 30 minutes (20 minutes de discussion + 10 minutes de questions)

3. Immersion in English

  • Language Support Classes for International Students at the Telfer School of Management: History, Pedagogy, and Challenges - Panel discussion moderated by Jennifer St John, with Margret Norenberg, Karen Borland, and Carolyn Brophy

Durée: 35 minutes (25 minutes for discussion + 10 minutes for questions)

Pause – Break

  • Team teaching between language and content teachers in English-medium instruction: A case study - David Lasagabaster (University of the Basque Country):

30 minutes (pre-recorded presentation)

  • Projet pilote, English Immersion Stream - Marc Gobeil:

25 minutes (15 minutes for discussion + 10 minutes for questions

Contact us

Post Secondary Immersion Research Group

70 Laurier Avenue East
Room 016
Ottawa ON   K1N 6N5

Tel. : 613-562-5743, Ext: 3465
[email protected]