Remember that everything you’ll need to know throughout your studies, from choosing a program to getting your diploma, is available on the Enrolment Management website. Some of these academic essentials are offered at the undergraduate level only.

If you are an Indigenous student interested in learning more about services and programs available to you during your studies, you should contact the staff of the Mashkawazìwogamig Indigenous Resource Centre. You can also contact them to self-identify as an Indigenous student. The self-identification process will put you on a mailing list to receive information pertinent to Indigenous students.

Students cannot use their placement on the self-identification list for any benefits, such as a means to enter a program as a part of an admissions process or receive bursaries or scholarships. For more information, please see the academic regulation below or email

The University of Ottawa is committed to increasing access to postsecondary education for First Nations, Métis and Inuit learners. This commitment includes offering reserved seats in the Common Law, Civil Law, Medicine, Nursing and Teacher Education programs.

If you are applying for admission, scholarships or bursaries related to programs and services reserved for Indigenous students, you must provide documents proving your Indigenous identity. See below for documents accepted at the University of Ottawa.

You must meet one of the following two sets of criteria:

Status, beneficiary or citizenship documentation Declaration of identity 

The following are accepted as proof of Indigenous identity in Canada for University of Ottawa admission, scholarship and financial aid:

  • A certified copy of an Indian status card
  • A certified copy of a Métis Nation citizenship card from one of the five provincial affiliates (Métis Nation of Ontario, Manitoba Metis Federation, Métis Nation Saskatchewan, Métis Nation of Alberta, Métis Nation British Columbia) of the Métis National Council, a membership card from one of the Metis Settlements of Alberta or a membership card from the Northwest Territory Métis Nation
  • A certified copy of an Inuit enrolment card issued by any one of the four Inuit modern treaty bodies — Nunavut, Nunatsiavut, Nunavik or Inuvialuit
  • Written confirmation of membership from a federally-recognized band
  • Written confirmation of Métis identity by a Métis local, council or education authority within the Métis Nation homeland recognized by the Metis National Council

If you do not have the documentation listed in the left-hand column, you must submit a statement about your existing, ongoing relationship to a legally recognized and inherent Indigenous community, nation or people. You must state your Indigenous identity with specific information about your First Nation, Inuit or Métis community and include details about your treaty, scrip, land claim, and territory or region.

The Office of Indigenous Affairs and the University of Ottawa Indigenous Education Council can assist in interpreting and validating your submitted documents, if needed by the faculties or services responsible for assessing eligibility for admission and scholarships or bursaries.

For the Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section and the nursing program, please send your documentation by email to

For the Audiology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech-Language Pathology programs offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences, please send your documentation by email to

Admission process for reserved seats for First Nations, Inuit and Métis applicants 

To be considered for the dedicated admission stream or reserved seats for First Nations, Inuit and Métis applicants, you must: 

  • Meet the criteria for Indigenous admission at uOttawa as per this document. 
  • Meet the admission requirements for the given program. 
  • Follow the regular admission process described in our official documentation.