Our ambitions ultimately are to energize you in your endeavours as you experience University life in all its facets, learning, teaching, research, and supporting the operations of a world-class institution. Disruptive technologies interrupt the status quo but can bring high returns. And make a big impact in your activities.

more Impactful
We want to reach high so that you get the best digital journey in your undertakings.

“We thirst for discoveries that impact the world we live in. Technology contributes to make that happen at a faster pace.”
Sylvain Charbonneau
— Vice-President, Research

Goal 1
Contribute to outstanding leadership and management by enabling and supporting the tools required for evidence-based decision-making.
- Develop a framework and platform for the integration of data from across the institution for operational and strategic decision-making
- Develop a data hub and use analytical capabilities to simplify and optimize institutional data-driven decision-making.
- Invest in and support a business intelligence platform for access to advanced analytics in campus services and programs: administrative, academic and research.

Goal 2
Support high impact research and partnership initiatives.
- Support increased awareness and recognition of research activities within and beyond the University.
- Streamline the research management process and minimize its costs for researchers.
- Partner with the Library to provide formal digital assets management.

Goal 3
Leverage previous investments in new and meaningful ways.
- Adopt a product-oriented approach to solution management.
- Develop multi-year visionary solution roadmaps.
- Develop multi-year evolutionary maintenance and optimization schedules for applications and systems.