Welcome to services for professors. Your gateway to course packs, exam scanning, and a variety of guides and forms designed as a resource to enhance your experience.


  • Collect all sources, print specific page ranges required, organize documents in desired order, and create index.
  • Determine which sources are likely protected by copyright – see Alternatives to copyright – as well as which can be used underExceptions to copyright. Note: please make every effort to ensure that most, if not all, of your sources, fall under an exception, such as fair dealing, are licensed, or are not protected by copyright.
  • For any materials obtained in electronic format from the Library catalogue, check to ensure that the University’s licence does not prohibit reproduction of the materials in a course pack – see Using electronic resources. If so, these may not be used.
  • Bring your printed sources, as well as the filled-out PDFs, to the Copyright Office [contact information below] or any docUcentre locations. Should you wish to discuss the content of your course pack, please contact a Copyright Clearance Officer by telephone or email, or to book an appointment. 
    • If the exact same course pack was used for a previous semester, all you need to do is fill out the docUcentre's "Request for Reproduction of a Course Pack"(must provide the session, year, and bin#) and e-mail it to the Copyright Office.
    • Copyright Office contact: [email protected]
  1. Pick up the “Scantron Request Form” and the “Scantron Answer Sheets” from your faculty.
  2. Fill out the “Scantron Request Form” with appropriate Accounting Plan (Purchase Order number) and signature.
  3. Bring your Scantron sheets to docUcentre UCU 0024 for correction between 8:30AM and 5:00PM from Monday - Friday. Please note that student employees are not allowed to handle Exam Scanning Services.
  4. Results will be sent by e-mail unless you specified just “Printed” as an option on the “Scantron Request Form””.
  5. Scantrons can be picked up the day after receiving your e-mail results at UCU 0024.