A Full name email address (FNEA) is a professional looking, intuitive email address that displays your full name making it easy for people to remember.

What is a Full name email address?

Icon of the MS Outlook application.

FNEAs are generally displayed in the form of [email protected] . A FNEA is not a separate email account; it is an alias for your existing Mailbox address ([email protected]).

E.g. existing Mailbox account = [email protected]

FNEA address = [email protected]

All active, regular employees who have an email account in the form of [email protected] are entitled to a Full Name Email Address. Users must fill out the Self-Service Centre Request form to request a Full Name Email Address. Once Mailbox users receive the email confirming the creation of their FNEA and the 24 hour activation period has passed, they must configure their email client so that their [email protected] address is displayed in the From: field of any email they send. People will then see the FNEA instead of the Mailbox address when they “Reply” to messages. Graduate students must fill out the Self-Service Centre Request form to request a Full Name Email Address.

Important information

If you need to request a change to your full name email address, contact the Service Desk.

Even after creating a Full name email address (FNEA), you may continue using your existing Mailbox address if you prefer. Once your FNEA is listed in the Employee Directory on the Web, you may choose to replace it with your Mailbox address. To request this change, contact your sector coordinator. Note that email addresses are not case-sensitive. The capitalization is for appearance only.