Board of Governors member appointed by the Board following election of support staff

Kafia Barkat is a highly motivated Senior Business Expert at the University of Ottawa with over 10 years of customer relations experience.

An Alumni of the University of Ottawa in Biomedical Sciences, her journey into technology led her to various roles with companies such as Apple, IBM and as a consultant for Canadian crown corporations.

In 2019, Kafia landed her first role at the University of Ottawa as a Business Analyst. That same year, she joined the office of the Associate Vice President Students Affairs where she provided support on strategic and organizational initiatives such as a sector-wide reorganization, the Campus Action Group which released the 2019 Mental Health and Wellness Action Report in January 27, 2019, the Academic GPS which supported the shift of all mentoring services to a virtual platform and the COVID Ambassador Program which launch promptly to support Ottawa Public Health guidelines.

Furthermore, in 2021, Kafia worked with the Human Rights Office as a Project Officer to support the work of the employment equity committee and the mandate of the Special Advisor, Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence. In this role, her creative and innovative approaches to collaboration and consensus building led her to support the development, implementation, marketing and communication plan of the Special Advisor’s mandate.

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Kafia Barkat