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Philip Murphy


From stock trader to senior political aide, Philip Murphy has seen it all. Philip began his professional life as a futures and options trader on the floor of the Toronto Stock Exchange. He then headed to Ottawa to complete his formal education and worked full-time for a contract management company, Versa Services (Aramark). Philip began his career on Parliament Hill in 1994 working for Elwin Hermanson, House Leader for the Reform Party. During his tenure as Legislative Assistant for the House Leader, Philip developed expert knowledge of Parliamentary procedure and the machinery of Government.

In 2002, the new Leader of the Opposition, Stephen Harper, hired Philip as his Deputy Chief of Staff. Philip was promptly promoted to Chief of Staff where he excelled for the following two years. As Chief of Staff, Philip assisted Mr. Harper in stick-handling the merger of the Progressive Conservative and Canadian Alliance parties, Mr. Harper’s successful leadership campaign, preparations for the 2004 federal election campaign, and in the March 2005 Conservative Party’s founding convention.

In 2005, Philip joined MDA Corporation as Vice-President of Government Affairs. He was instrumental in guiding MDA in successfully advancing programs such as UAVs, the Sapphire and RCM satellite programs, and space robotics.

Today, Philip is the celebrated President of Honeybadger Strategy Corporation, an Ottawa-based public affairs, consultant lobbyist company.

Philip is active in his local community. He is a founding member of the University of Ottawa Kidney Research Centre. He is also a founding Member of the Canadian Transplant Games Association and a past member of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Born and raised in Ottawa, Philip received his bachelors of arts from Carleton University and his MBA at the University of Ottawa.