The deadline to propose candidates is March 24, 2022. The University secretary general will collect the names and submit them to the attention of the selection committee. The name of the new chancellor will be announced in late June 2022.
The University would like as its representative a skilled leader who brings people together and is attuned to the issues it faces. The person selected must be able to promote the University’s objectives and raise the University’s profile in both official language communities, as well as among the University’s many partners, the business world, public institutions and the academic world, both in Canada and abroad.
1. Appointing Authority
The Chancellor is appointed by the Board of Governors, following approval of the Senate, and upon recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors.
2. Regular Appointment Procedure
2.1 Selection Committee
2.1.1 Establishment and Role
As per its terms of reference, the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors performs the role of selection committee. In order to facilitate the selection process, the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors delegates the administration of the selection process to a Subcommittee.
2.1.2 Subcommittee Membership
The subcommittee shall consist of 11 members, including:
- The Chair of the Board of Governors who acts as Chair of the Subcommittee;
- The President of the University who acts as Vice-Chair of the Subcommittee;
- Four members elected by the Senate, including at least one dean and one student ;
- Four members of the Board of Governors appointed by the Board; and
- One alumnus.
The Secretary-General or her delegate acts as secretary of the Subcommittee.
2.1.3 Withdrawal of Committee Member(s)
The subcommittee shall not cease to function by reason only of withdrawal by one or more of its members, unless the effect of such withdrawal(s) is to reduce its membership to less than half its original size. If a member withdraws, the Chair of the Board shall decide, in light of the remaining number of committee members and the state of the committee’s work, whether to appoint a replacement member.
2.1.4 Quorum
Quorum is six members, including the Chair of the Subcommittee or, in the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair.
2.1.5 Meetings
The subcommittee shall meet at the call of the Chair of the Board and shall meet as often as necessary in order to ensure the Chancellor is named at least three months prior to the expiry date of the incumbent’s term.
Subcommittee meetings shall be held in camera and deliberations of the committee shall remain strictly confidential.
2.2 Identification of Potential Candidates
The Subcommittee shall invite proposals for potential candidates through any combination of internal or external advertising, calls for nominations or calls for applications, as deemed appropriate.
The Subcommittee may also use means deemed appropriate (including the services of external search experts) to identify potential candidates.
The Subcommittee shall ascertain the availability of potential candidates who meet the requirements of the position and obtain any information deemed relevant concerning the candidates and nominees.
The Subcommittee can, through means it deems appropriate, approach candidates to inquire if they agree to stand for the position.
2.3 Short List and Interviews
Once the search for potential candidates is concluded, the Subcommittee shall prepare a short list of the candidates it believes would be best for the position, and meet with each of the candidates.
2.4 Subcommittee Recommendation
Following interviews of the shortlisted candidates, the subcommittee shall recommend one candidate to the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors.
2.4.1 Recommendation to the Senate
After consideration, the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors recommends the appointment of the selected candidate to the Senate.
2.4.2 Recommendation to the Board of Governors
With the approval of the Senate, the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors recommends the
appointment of the selected candidate to the Board of Governors.
2.4.3 Appointment of the Chancellor
The Chair of the Board of Governors takes the steps necessary to inform the candidate, the Senate and the University community.
3. Re-appointment Procedure
3.1 Consultation in Anticipation of End of Term of Office
At least six months before the end of the Chancellor’s term, the President shall consult with the Chair of the Board of Governors prior to speaking with the incumbent to ascertain whether he or she wishes to seek re-appointment.
3.2 Re-appointment for a Second Term of Office
If the incumbent wishes to seek reappointment for a second term of office, the President may recommend re-appointment of the incumbent to the Executive Committee of the Board. After consideration, the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors recommends the re-appointment of the incumbent to the Senate. With the approval of the Senate, the Executive Committee recommends the re-appointment of the incumbent to the Board of Governors
3.3 Engagement of Regular Appointment Procedure
The Chair shall engage the regular appointment procedure set out in section 2 above in any of the following circumstances:
(a) the incumbent does not seek re-appointment;
(b) the incumbent seeks re-appointment for a third or subsequent term of office;
(c) the President does not recommend that the incumbent be re-appointed;
(d) the Executive Committee does not recommend, under subsection 3.2 above, that the incumbent be re-appointed for a second term of office.
4. Exceptions and Amendments
Exceptions or amendments to this Procedure shall require the approval of the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors.