The President has established a committee responsible for the internal management of the University and for the general administration of University business, in keeping with applicable laws and regulations.


The Committee is responsible for the development of the strategic Plan of the University and oversees its operationalization, establishes University policies and makes administration decisions that are needed to ensure the success of students' university experience, oversees the development of the budget, the capital plan and the procedures on human resources, supports research and maintains communication and external relations policies.  

Terms of Reference

Given that article 13 of the University of Ottawa Act, 1965, states that the president is both the University's chief executive officer and the chair of the Senate;

Given that the Act makes the President accountable to the Board for the governance of the University;

Given that the President wants to call on an administration committee in the performance of his or her duties;

The President hereby establishes a committee responsible for the internal management of the University and for the general administration of University business, in keeping with applicable laws and regulations.

Powers and Functions

The Administration Committee has the following powers and functions:

A. Strategic plan

  • Ensures the development of the Strategic Plan of the University for recommendation to the Board and to the Senate;
  • Approves the applicable key performance indicators for the Strategic Plan for submission to the Board;
  • Oversees the operationalization of the Strategic Plan of the University and ensures on- going reporting of the strategic priorities to the Board of Governors;
  • Ensures the development of processes and strategies for assessing and mitigating risks in achieving the strategic objectives for on-going reporting to the Board.

B. Administration and strategic support of the University's academic mission 

  • Reviews the University's general academic directions to ensure the institution recruits and retains professors; also ratifies and supports the University's major student-recruitment strategies.
  • Establishes University policies and makes administration decisions that are needed to ensure the success of students' university experience or that are relevant to academic life.
  • Ensures that financial-aid and scholarship programs remain viable, that student's admission policies are established and that a viable strategy is designed for international programs.
  • Ensures that the institution's Francophone mandate is preserved.

C. Research

  • Approves major research infrastructure impacting the Capital Plan or the operational budget of the University, having due regard to the authority of the Senate;
  • Approves the terms of reference and the financial arrangements for new research chairs, having due regard to the authority of the Senate;
  • Approves the creation, governance, and budgetary framework of research institutes and research centres, having due regard to the authority of the Senate.

D. Optimizing resources and assets

Budget and finance management

  • Oversees the development of the budget and establishes relevant financial policies for the approval of the Board of Governors.
  • Oversees the financial health of the University, establishes policies and related procedures and makes recommendations to the Board where necessary.

Capital Plan

  • Oversees the development and ensures the implementation of the University's Capital Plan in line with strategic priorities for presentation and approval of the Board of Governors.

Human resources

  • Establishes policies and procedures on human resources and approves mandates for collective agreements for the final approval of the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors.
  • Approves the creation or abolition of regular positions.
  • Approves the appointment of Associate Vice-Presidents.
  • Recommends the appointment of Deans and Chief Librarian to the Executive Committee of the Board.

E. Stakeholder communication 

  • Adopts policies and instruments to guide the appropriate engagement of and communication with key national and international stakeholders and partners.
  • Ensures the protection and improvement of the public image and reputation of the University and recommends appropriate strategies.

F. Fundraising

  • Defines and recommends the University's fundraising strategy for submission to the Board;
  • Approves regular fundraising reports.

G. Governance 

  • Regularly reviews and updates the delegation of authority and regulatory framework.
  • Establishes the annual calendar and critical path for the annual budget, the Capital Plan and other major strategic priorities.
  • Ensures the on-going conformity to applicable laws and regulations


Under the direction of the President, the Committee consists of the following members:

  1. the Vice-President, Academic Affairs and Provost;
  2. the Vice-President, Research and Innovation;
  3. the Vice-President, International and Francophonie;
  4. the Vice-President, Advancement;
  5. the Vice-President, Finance and Administration;
  6. the Secretary General.

Secretarial services

Secretarial services are provided by the Office of the Vice-President, Governance.


The Committee meets once a week insofar as possible, and/or at the call of the President.


Three members constitute a quorum.


The Administration Committee reports to the President, who is responsible for making the necessary recommendations to the Board of Governors.


Jacques Frémont
President and Vice-Chancellor
End of Term: 2026-06-30

Jacques Beauvais
Interim Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs

Sylvain Charbonneau
Vice-President, Research and Innovation
End of Term: 2028-06-30

Vacant, in the process of recruiting
Vice-President, International and Francophonie
End of Term: 

Julien Sicard 
Vice-President, Advancement
End of Term: 2029-06-02

Jennifer Doyle 
Vice-President, Finance and Administration
End of Term: 2026-06-30

Annick Bergeron

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