Scope of application, citation and relationship with faculty-specific academic regulations

Academic regulations

The University's Academic Regulations are divided into three categories:

  • Category A "Joint Regulations" sets out the Academic Regulations applicable to all levels of studies at the University of Ottawa (unless otherwise specified in the particular regulation).
  • Category B "Undergraduate" sets out the Academic Regulations applicable only to the undergraduate level.
  • Category C "Graduate Studies" sets out the Academic Regulations applicable only to graduate studies.

The reference to a particular regulation must be composed of the letter of the regulation preceded by the number of the part from which it comes. For example, a reference to Regulation 2 "Courses" in Category A below would be "Academic Regulation A-2".

Students should consider the academic regulations of their faculty and read them in parallel with the University's Academic Regulations below. Students are advised to consult their faculty’s calendar or website for faculty-specific academic regulations.


Category A:  Academic Regulations applicable to all levels of studies at the University of Ottawa

Academic Regulation A-1 - Bilingualism

Academic Regulation A-2 - Course

Academic Regulation A-3 - Grading System

Academic regulation A-4 – Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct

Academic Regulation A-5 – Religious Accommodations

Academic Regulation A-6 – Academic Accommodations

Academic Regulation A-7 – Record Retention

Academic Regulation A-8 – Evaluation of Student Learning

Academic Regulation A-9 Revision of Grades and Appeal

Academic Regulation A-10 - Unit Transfers

Category B: Academic Regulations applicable only to the undergraduate level.

Academic Regulation B-1 - Categories and Status of Undergraduate Students

Academic Regulation B-2 – Program of Studies

Academic Regulation B-3 – Admission to a Program

Academic Regulation B-4 – Registration

Academic Regulation B-5 – Prior Learning Recognition

Academic Regulation B-6 – Academic Standing, Probation and Mandatory Withdrawal for Undergraduate Programs

Academic Regulation B-7 – Conditions for Obtaining a Degree, Certificate or Diploma

Academic Regulation B-8 – Distinctions

Category C: Academic Regulations applicable only to graduate studies

Academic Regulation C-1 - Categories and Status of Graduate Students

Academic Regulation C-2 - Admission to Graduate Programs

Academic Regulation C-3 - Graduate Enrolment and Leaves of Absence

Academic Regulation C-4 - Academic Standing for Graduate Studies

Academic Regulation C-5 - Graduate Research: Supervision and Ethics

Academic Regulation C-6 - Time Limits for Completion of Graduate Degree and Diploma Requirements

Academic Regulation C-7 - Thesis

Academic Regulation C-8 - Major Research Paper

Academic Regulation C-9 - Conditions for Obtaining a Graduate Degree or Diploma and Medals

Administrative policies and regulations

University of Ottawa policies and regulations set out guiding principles or courses of action to be consistently followed under specific conditions. Exceptions require the prior consent of an approving authority, very often the Administration Committee.

University of Ottawa By-Law No. 1 (2019)

University of Ottawa Board By-Law No. 3 (2020) - Delegation of Approval of Contracts and Signing Authority (PDF, 882KB)

Regulation on Bilingualism at the University of Ottawa


Student affairs

Human resources

Financial resources

Information technology and telecommunications

External Relations and Communications

Research and inventions

Physical Resources and Equipment and Services


Administrative procedures

University of Ottawa procedures detail specific courses of action or explain how to apply specific policies.

Materials management

Media production

Procedure 12-1 - Regulations Governing Media Production Services

Multimedia Distribution Service

Procedure 12-2 - Multimedia Equipment and Rooms

Reprography Service

Procedure 12-3 - Reprography Section


Translation Office

Information Management

EDP Security

Strategic Enrollment Management

Sports Services

Procedure 40-1 - Sports Services

Protection Services

Procedure 60 - Complaints against uniformed staff

External Relations

Procedure 41-2 - Naming Proposal

Research and Inventions


Harassment and discrimination

Mediated Teaching and Learning

Procedure 10-1 - Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning


Procedure 3-7 - Budget Management

Human Resources
