Students may only enrol in the program to which they have been admitted. Those who wish to enrol in a different program must submit a new request for admission accompanied by all required supporting documents.
To learn more about the admission process, please follow the steps to apply.
C-2.1 Admission requirements
Applicants must meet or exceed the minimum admission requirements set by the University, as specified in this regulation, in addition to those specified by the program to which they are applying, including language requirements.
Satisfaction of the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.
Full-time faculty members of the University may not be admitted into a graduate program offered by their home academic unit or by a joint Ottawa-Carleton institute associated with their home faculty, if applicable.
C-2.1.1 Graduate diploma programs
Applicants for admission to graduate diploma programs must hold a four-year bachelor’s degree (120 units) or equivalent in the same or a related discipline, obtained from an accredited university, with a minimum average of 70% (B) calculated in accordance with the University guidelines.
C-2.1.2 Master’s programs
Applicants for admission to a master’s program must hold a four-year bachelor’s degree (120 units) or equivalent in the same or a related discipline, obtained from an accredited university, with a minimum average of 70% (B) calculated in accordance with the University guidelines.
For some master’s programs, candidates for admission who do not hold the equivalent of a four-year bachelor’s degree as required by this subsection may be eligible for enrolment in a qualifying program. Where available, a qualifying program is designed to bring the knowledge of the relevant discipline up to the standard required for admission to a particular master’s program. To be eligible for admission to the master’s program, students must reach this standard by successfully completing the requirements of the qualifying program.
C-2.1.3 Doctoral programs
Students applying for admission to doctoral programs must hold a master’s degree or equivalent in the same or a related discipline, obtained from an accredited university, with a minimum average of 75% (B+) calculated in accordance with the University guidelines.
Where permitted by specific doctoral programs, candidates may be admitted directly into the doctoral program on the basis of exceptional performance in an honours bachelor’s degree.
For some doctoral programs, candidates for admission who do not hold the equivalent of a master’s degree may be eligible to enrol in a qualifying program. Where available, a qualifying program is designed to enable students to bring their knowledge of the relevant discipline up to the standard required for admission to the related doctoral program. To be admitted into the doctoral program, students must reach this standard by successfully completing the requirements of the qualifying program.
C-2.1.4 Appeal of an admission decision
A denial of admission by the faculty is final. The dean (or delegate) of the faculty offering the program may consider an appeal regarding a denial of admission only on procedural grounds. Where an appeal on procedural grounds is allowed, the request for admission is returned to the authority where the procedural error arose for reconsideration in accordance with the appropriate procedures.
C-2.2 Transfer from program levels
C-2.2.1 Transfer from a graduate diploma to a master’s program
Students enrolled in a graduate diploma program may submit a written request for a transfer to a master’s program in the same discipline without completing all the requirements of the diploma program if allowed by the regulations governing the master’s program concerned. The granting of such a transfer request must be recommended by the admissions committee of the master’s program in question and approved by the faculty offering the program.
Any course failure incurred in the graduate diploma program will also count as a failure in the related master’s program.
C-2.2.2 Transfer from a master’s to a doctoral program
Students enrolled in a master’s program may submit a written request for a transfer to a doctoral program in the same discipline, without completing all the requirements of the master’s program, if allowed by the regulations governing the doctoral program concerned. The granting of such a transfer request must be recommended by the admissions committee of the doctoral program in question and approved by the faculty offering the program.
Any course failure incurred in the master’s program will also count as a failure in the related doctoral program.
C-2.2.3 Transfer from a doctoral to a master’s program
Students enrolled in a doctoral program may submit a written request for a transfer to a master’s program in the same discipline. The granting of such a transfer request must be recommended by the admissions committee of the master’s program in question and approved by the faculty offering the program.
Students who transfer from a doctoral program to a master’s program will not subsequently be allowed to enrol in the same doctoral program. Transferring students must meet all the requirements of the master’s degree or its equivalent to be awarded the master’s degree.
C-2.3 Equivalencies and transfer of course units
C-2.3.1 General enrolment requirement
To qualify for a graduate degree or diploma, students must complete the majority of the requirements of their program while enrolled at the University of Ottawa or at Saint Paul University.
C-2.3.2 Transfer of University of Ottawa course units
Unless otherwise stated in the regulations for a specific program, students who have completed graduate-level courses at the University of Ottawa as non-degree students may, upon subsequent admission to a graduate diploma or graduate program at the University, be granted equivalencies for a maximum of up to 50% of the program’s requirements.
C-2.3.3 Transfer from other universities
Unless otherwise stated in the regulations for a specific program, admissions committees may grant equivalencies for up to 50% of the program’s requirements. In the case of transfers at the doctoral level, the comprehensive examination, the thesis project, if applicable, and the thesis must be completed while enrolled in the program at the University of Ottawa or at Saint Paul University.
C-2.3.4 Transfer of course units from a previously awarded graduate program
Students who already hold a graduate degree (master’s or doctorate) may, upon being admitted to another master’s or doctoral program, be granted equivalencies for courses completed during their earlier graduate degree. To be eligible, courses must:
- be deemed relevant by the program admissions committee;
- have been successfully completed with a grade of at least 70% (B);
- have been completed within eight years of admission to the latest graduate program; and
- be at the same level (master’s or doctoral) as the program to which the student seeks admission.
Unless otherwise stated in the regulations for a specific program, the number of course units that can be transferred may not exceed 25% of the course units required by the program to which the student seeks admission. The comprehensive examination, the thesis project, if applicable, and the thesis may not count as equivalencies.