Adoption: Date: May 31, 2010 Instance of Approval: Board of Governors |
Modification: Date: February 25, 2025 Instance of Approval: Board of Governors |
Responsible Service: Office of the Vice-President, Advancement |
1.1 The purpose of this Policy is to establish general naming principles and standards for the naming of a University asset and to identify the University authorities for the approval of naming-related decisions.
2.1 For the purposes of this Policy and any procedure adopted pursuant to it, the expression “University Asset” collectively refers to a tangible item, object, or real estate property, or an intangible item or property without a physical presence, owned by the University.
2.2 Examples of a tangible University Asset include, but are not limited to: a University building, component of a building (such as a wing or atrium, laboratories, classrooms), lands, exterior spaces, a campus, collections of books, artwork, archival or other material. For the purposes of this Policy, “campus” means building(s) and land(s) owned or leased by the University to offer its programs and services.
2.3 Examples of a non-tangible University Asset include, but are not limited to: a University academic unit, program, deanship, fellowship, professorship, research chair, and University events or activities. For the purposes of this Policy, “academic unit” means a University faculty, department, school, institute, centre or other unit within which one or more academic programs are organized.
3.1 This Policy applies to the commemorative naming of University Assets.
3.2 This Policy does not apply to the following:
a) names gifted to the University by the Algonquin Anishinaabe people.
b) naming of student scholarships, bursaries and awards that are addressed by the Advancement Office through the terms of reference approval process.
3.3 Sponsorship opportunities and agreements that contemplate naming are dealt with under University Policy 120 – Sponsorship, and in conjunction with this Policy.
4.1 The naming of a University Asset should seek to provide meaningful opportunities for the recognition of outstanding contributions by those who serve as inspiration for future generations of students, graduates and members of the University community. The naming of a University Asset is to recognize an exceptional contribution (financial or in kind) to the University or an exceptional achievement by:
a) a distinguished member of the University community;
b) a donor or funder to the University; or
c) others who have a special relationship to the University community.
4.2 The number of University Assets is limited and a proposal to name a University Asset must be given fair and careful consideration before a naming-related decision is made. The naming of a University Asset must adhere to the following standards:
a) contribute to the University’s objectives and purposes
b) be consistent with the University’s mission and priorities
c) enhance the University’s reputation and preserve its integrity
d) preserve the University’s autonomy and not interfere with academic freedom or with the University’s ability to set its teaching, research and operational priorities
4.3 The naming of a University Asset in recognition of a gift to the University, whether that gift is expendable, endowed or planned (bequest), must comply with University’s funding minimums and standards, as established by the Vice-President, Advancement and in effect at the time of approval.
4.4 An existing naming of a University Asset can be removed where, in the opinion of the University authority referred to in Section 6 of this Policy, the removal of the naming is in the University’s best interests.
4.5 The University collects and treats information in relation to a Naming Proposal in strict confidence in accordance with University Policy 90 Access to Information and Protection of Privacy and subject to applicable access to information and privacy laws. The University may be required to disclose information related to a Naming Proposal in response to an access to information request under the Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
5.1 Naming period: The naming of a University Asset may only be in effect for a fixed period. Such fixed period is typically for a period representing the useful life of that University Asset or can be for such other period as the University authority identified in Section 6 of this Policy may decide or as may be agreed to with the individual or entity who is the subject of the naming. A naming period is always subject to the naming’s continued compliance with this Policy, to the useful life of the University Asset, or to its ability to fulfill its original intended purpose or function.
5.2 Corporations or other legal entities: Despite Section 5.1 of this Policy, the naming period is for a stated limited period of time rather than a period representing the useful life of the University Asset. Corporate names, logos, symbols or word marks cannot be featured on the exterior of any University building that houses an academic unit.
5.3 Individuals: Naming of a University Asset using the name of an individual must adhere to the following conditions:
a) The individual (or if deceased or incapacitated, the individual’s estate representative or family) must agree to the use of their name
b) The individual must have a sound reputation and one that reflects the University’s mission and values
c) The individual must have contributed in an exceptional way to the welfare of the University in one or more of the following ways:
i) While serving the University in an academic capacity, the individual demonstrated high scholarly distinction and earned an excellent national or international reputation
ii) While serving the University in an important administrative capacity, the individual demonstrated distinguished and exceptional service to the University
iii) While serving the University in any other important capacity, the individual demonstrated a unique distinction that warrants recognition
d) The naming does not eliminate other opportunities for significant philanthropic contribution to the University.
5.4 Funded buildings and other funded tangible University Assets: The naming of a University building or other tangible University Asset funded by contributions made to the University by an external party will not take effect until the University has received an amount of the contributions to cover a significant amount of the capital cost associated with such building or tangible University Asset.
5.5 Changes to a University Asset: When a University Asset that has a naming associated with it ceases to exist, no longer fulfills the purpose or function for which it was originally intended, is at the end of its useful life, or changes for other reason, the University authority referred to in Section 6 of this Policy can decide to end any existing naming period or continue the naming with any new, modified or replacement University Asset or with any other University Asset, as appropriate to the circumstances.
5.6 Change to individual or entity’s name: A request to change the naming of a University Asset by reason that the individual or entity who is the subject of the naming has changed can be considered by the University authority referred to in Section 6 of this Policy provided the change is due to an official change in that individual’s or entity’s name and such individual, or as appropriate the individual or entity or other third party, agrees to pay the actual costs incurred by the University associated with making changes to the naming.
5.7 Signage: The signage and design, in any format or medium, associated with the naming of a University Asset are subject to the University’s policies, including without limitation its policies on signage and branding and should, to the extent possible, be of uniform design.
6.1 The Office of the Vice-President, Advancement is the responsible lead for processing naming proposals and any proposed change or removal or other naming-related proposals under this Policy and for maintaining related records. The Vice-President Advancement shall have the authority to set minimum funding amounts required for the naming of a fund (endowed and non-endowed) in recognition of a gift to the University.
6.2 Donor Relations is responsible for maintaining a current inventory of the naming of buildings, components of buildings, and of exterior spaces approved under this Policy, which will be shared with Facilities. In advance of any significant alterations to named spaces, Facilities or any other unit must consult with Donor Relations.
6.3 No naming commitment, obligation or promise, made or agreed to verbally or in writing by a University employee or representative, is binding on the University without the approval of the authorities set out in this Policy.
6.4 Any proposal for the naming of an entire University building, or a campus or of an academic unit, and any proposal to change or remove the existing naming of an entire University building, a campus or of an academic unit, must be considered and decided by the Board of Governors.
6.5 Subject to section 6.4, the approval authorities are as follows:
a) The Vice-President, Advancement has the authority to reject or approve the naming, the change or removal of the naming, or other naming-related decisions associated with a naming proposal that is worth under one million dollars ($1,000,000).
b) The Administration Committee has the authority to reject or approve the naming, the change or removal of the naming, or other naming- related decisions associated with a naming proposal that is worth one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more.
c) Regardless of the values of the naming, the change or removal of the naming, or other naming-related decisions associated with a naming proposal, the Vice-President, Advancement is responsible for informing the Administration Committee and/or the Board, as applicable, of any important risk or matter, including any aspect that could present bring the University under public scrutiny or controversy or adversely affect the reputation of the University.
6.6 Before approving a naming, the Board of Governors, the Administration Committee or the Vice-President, Advancement (as applicable) can establish, as needed, a working group to provide comments on the proposed naming, proposed change, or removal, or on other naming-related matters. Such a working group is advisory only. A working group established by the Board of Governors must comprise a representative from the Board of Governors and the Senate as well as members of the University community from the faculty, service or unit involved in the naming proposal, including at least one student. A working group established by the Administration Committee or the Vice-President, Advancement, must comprise a member of the Administration Committee and representative(s) from the faculty, service or unit involved, including at least one student.
7.1 The Vice-President, Advancement is responsible for implementing and reviewing this Policy as necessary.
8.1 The Vice-President, Advancement is responsible for recommending amendments to this Policy for approval by the Board of Governors.
8.2 Notwithstanding Section 8.1 of this Policy, the Secretary-General may amend this Policy without the need to submit such amendment to the Board of Governors for approval if such amendment is required to:
a) update or correct the name or title of a position, unit, law, regulation, policy, procedure, or authority; or
b) correct punctuation, grammar, typographical errors, revisions to format and other technical revisions, where appropriate, if the correction does not change the meaning of a provision or make such other correction if it is patent both that an error has been made and what the correction should be; or
c) correct the form of expression of a provision in French or in English to be more compatible with its form of expression in the other language; or
d) to comply with changes arising from another University by-law, resolution, policy, or procedure.
8.3 The Vice-President, Advancement may establish, amend, abrogate procedures for naming proposals and for any other naming-related matter to effectively implement this Policy provided that such procedures are consistent with the provisions of this Policy.