Date : 2019-04-16
Approved by : Executive Committee of the Board of Governors
Responsible service : Human Resources

    The University has sought to adopt this policy on deans’ compensation to enable it to ensure internal equity and remain competitive on the labour market, while taking into account the University’s ability to pay. As well, this Compensation policy will enable the University to:

    • attract, motivate and retain high-calibre people to allow the University to be an employer of choice and remain among the group of leading Canadian research universities;
    • meet its objectives concerning student experience, internationalization, bilingualism and research excellence;
    • promote a vision of our university as one of the great universities of our time, with a reputation equal to our achievements.

    Salary is mainly comprised of monetary components such as base salary, premiums and supplements.

    Benefits usually include pension plans, group insurance coverage, paid leave and other non-monetary benefits.

    Total compensation:
    The combination of salary and benefits.

    Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa

  3. SCOPE

    This policy applies to anyone holding the position of dean.


    Compensation policies must be in line with University objectives and take into account many factors, including internal equity, as well as external equity, that is, in relation to what the market is offering for comparable positions.

    The University holds to the principle of employment equity and seeks to offer equal employment opportunities and fair compensation to members of the four designated groups (women, Indigenous peoples, persons living with a disability and visible minorities).

    In terms of deans’ compensation, major Canadian research universities constitute our reference market. Thus, the market benchmark the University uses is the group of 15 research-oriented Canadian universities (the U15).

    1. Salary

      Deans’ salary is comprised of a base salary that cannot exceed 120% of the maximum of the salary scale for a full professor and an administrative supplement. The total must not exceed the maximums set out in Appendix A.

      At the time of his or her appointment as dean, an APUO member receives a base salary increase of at least two progress through the ranks (PTR) increases. Should the selected candidate be external, his or her experience as dean at another university can be considered in establishing the candidate’s salary, which for a first term can then exceed the maximum set out in Appendix A.

      Whether the candidate is internal or external, the administrative supplement cannot be less than $20,000.

      Since the maximum period allowed for administrative leave is 12 months, a dean who has completed an initial five-year term and who has been reappointed for another term is entitled to an annual premium equal to 10% of the maximum salary for a full professor, effective the date the second term begins. This premium is paid for each full year of the second term as dean and is pro-rated for a year not completed. This premium is not subject to salary increases and is not payable during administrative leave.

      There is no salary increase upon a dean’s renewal and salary (including the administrative supplement and premium) must not exceed the maximum amounts set out in Appendix A under any circumstances.

      The minimum salary rates in the salary grid (Appendix A) are set at 80% of the maximum salary rates for a first term.

      Each year on July 1, deans are entitled to an economic increase equal to that given to APUO members on May 1 of the same year. The maximum salaries set out in Appendix A are increased accordingly.

      Deans whose base salary is less than 120% of the maximum salary for a full professor are also entitled to a progress through the ranks (PTR) increase equal to that set out for APUO members, without exceeding the maximum salaries set out in Appendix A.

      Deans’ administrative supplements are increased each year on July 1 at the same rates used to calculate economic increases (excluding PTR), without exceeding the maximum salaries set out in Appendix A.

      Only the base salary qualifies as pensionable and insurable earnings. For example, administrative supplements and premiums are neither pensionable nor insurable.

    2. Benefits

      Deans are entitled to the same benefits as APUO members. For example, they are eligible for the defined benefit pension plans (basic and supplemental), a group insurance plan and paid leave, including vacations and the holiday season break, as well as many benefits, including the tuition fee financial support program.

    3. Administrative leave

      Deans are entitled to a 12-month administrative leave for their first completed five-year term. This leave is to enable deans to re-enter academic life. Should a dean’s term be less than five years, leave is granted at a rate of 10.4 weeks for each year of the term or pro-rated for portions of a year. The leave must never exceed 12 months. Dean who are renewed must wait until the end of their term to take their leave. In determining administrative leave, the number of years of academic leave accumulated as an APUO member is not considered. Deans are expected to commit to serving the University for a period of at least equal duration to the leave. It is understood that this does not apply when the return from leave coincides with the beginning of retirement.

    4. Compensation at end of term

      If a dean has a base salary that exceeds the maximum of his or her APUO grade scale, the base salary is set at the maximum of his or her APUO salary grade starting from the end of the dean’s term, and there is no compensation for the salary reduction.

      Deans who are entitled to administrative leave at the end of their term receive the same administrative supplement that they had on the final day of their term during their leave, but are not entitled to the premium which ceases at the end of the term. Payment of the administrative supplement ceases at the end of the administrative leave.

      Deans rejoin the APUO immediately at the end of their term, even if they are entitled to an administrative leave. They maintain all benefits and privileges granted to professors of equivalent rank and lose benefits not offered to APUO members.

    5. Transition period

      The University will take the necessary measures to restore deans’ salaries to a fair level as quickly as possible, in accordance with the Appendix A guidelines.

      Deans holding their positions at the time this policy comes into effect will maintain their salary and other conditions of employment set out in their contract, even if they exceed the provisions of this policy.

      All new and renewed contracts must be in accordance with the provisions of this policy.

    1. Review

      This policy must be reviewed every three years to ensure that the University remains competitive with the market benchmark of large Canadian research-oriented universities (the U15).

      Should there be a considerable gap between the maximum salaries set out in Appendix A and the market benchmark, a recommendation must be submitted to the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors to rectify the situation, whether through an increase or decrease of the salary rates in Appendix A.

    2. Administration and interpretation

      The Executive Committee of the Board of Governors is the authority responsible for approving, and if necessary, modifying this policy. However, Appendix A can be updated when changes having an impact on it take effect, without Executive Committee approval.

      The Provost and Vice-President, Academic, is responsible for applying this policy.


    This policy comes into effect January 1, 2019 and has no retroactive application.


Deans' salary grid used to determine administrative supplements as at July 1, 2024

FacultiesMinimum Salary
(any term)*
Maximum Salary
(1st term)
Maximum Salary
(subsequent terms)
Health Sciences
Social Sciences
Civil Law
Common Law
224 502280 628309 618
324 693405 866463 847
Medicine371 078463 847521 828

Economic increase of 2,5% as of July 1, 2024.

* Minimum salaries do not apply for an interim term.