Approved Administrative Committee 647.6


  1. The Media Production Section provides the following centralized services: photography, graphic arts and production of multimedia documents (television, slide-tape presentations and audio-visual recordings).
  2. Campus personnel in need of university-related media productions must investigate the availability and the estimated cost of services from on-campus media production units before making off-campus queries. In accordance with Policy 36, Supply of Goods and Services, Financial Resources Service will not pay invoices that have not been approved by the Director of Materials Management Services (MMS). The Director of MMS may approve invoices for outside work only if such work has been evaluated by Media Production or has specific requirements justifying production by an off-campus supplier.
  3. Access to media production equipment owned by the University of Ottawa is restricted to authorized personnel.
  4. In carrying out its mandate, the Media Production Section is advised by the Media Services Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Teaching, as detailed in article 2 of Policy 82.
  5. The Media Production Section maintains close liaison with the Centre for University Teaching.
  6. In accordance with Policy 82b, Audio-Visual Equipment and Services, all requests for the purchase of audio-visual production equipment will be reviewed and approved by the Media Services Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Teaching. Only the Media Production Section is authorized to purchase production equipment.

    Requests for the purchase of audio-visual production equipment will not be processed by Materials Management Services without the approval of the Media Services Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Teaching.

  7. All media production units on campus must maintain an inventory of all production equipment.
  8. No audio-visual production facilities may be created or eliminated without review by the Media Services Subcommittee, the recommendation of the Director of the Centre for University Teaching and of the Director of Audio-Visual and Reprography Service, and the approval of the Administrative Committee.
  9. Any request from a faculty, school, department or service for the creation, elimination or the reclassification of an audio-visual position shall be reviewed by the Media Services Subcommittee, which, in turn will forward its recommendation to the originating unit.
  10. All job descriptions relating to media production personnel will be periodically reviewed and updated by the Media Services Subcommittee, in consultation with Human Resources Service.
  11. The procedures for obtaining media production services are described in Procedure Audio-Visual and Reprography 12-1. The priorities to be followed are given in article 4 of Policy 82.


  1. No exception may be made to this policy without the written consent of the Administrative Committee.

Revised April 8, 1992

(Computing and Communications Services)