Approval and Signing Authorities

Responsible Service: Research Management Services

Date: February 14, 2024
Instance of Approval: Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation

    1. This Procedure is established pursuant to Policy 48 – Administration of Research (“Policy 48”) and provides for the approval and signing authorities on applications for Research Grants, on Research proposals and on Research Agreements.
    1. Capitalized words or expressions used in this Procedure are defined in Policy 48.
  3. Research Contracts and other Research Agreements:
    1. The authority at the University to approve and to sign a Research Contract or other Research Agreement, which is a written agreement between the University and a Research Sponsor or other third party on legally binding terms and conditions related to Research, is established in University’s Board By-law No. 3 (2019).
  4. Proposals and Applications:
    1. Every application or proposal for a Research Grant or a Research Contract must be accompanied by the form “RE/C - Request for Funds to Any Outside Agency” (i.e., the “RE Form”) when the proposal is submitted to the responsible unit within the OVPRI. 
      1. This form must be completed, signed by the applicant and approved by the Chair of the department, where relevant, and the Dean of the faculty (or delegate) in which the applicant has their Principal Appointment.
    2. Signature of the applicant on the RE Form and on proposals and applications for Research Grants and Research Contracts, confirms:
      1. that the Applicant approves the Research project and budget as submitted and that they are willing to conduct the Research as described in the proposal or application;
      2. that any and all Conflicts of Interest have been declared;
      3. that the Applicant agrees to comply with University Policies and Procedures (including, without limit, to those related to the financial administration of Research, employment of research personnel, University Policy 115 on the Responsible Conduct of Research) and with the Research Sponsor’s Policies and/or Requirements.
    3. Signatures of the Chair of the department and the Dean of the faculty (or delegate) in which the applicant has their Principal Appointment on the RE Form and on proposals and applications for Research Grants and Research Contracts, confirms:
      1. that the Administering Faculty supports the proposed activity;
      2. that the Administering Faculty is willing and able to administer the Research funds in accordance with University Policies and Procedures and with the Research Sponsor’s Policies and/or Requirements;
      3. that the Administering Faculty has conducted any necessary impact analysis prior to approving an application;
      4. the availability and approval of University space and other University resources that the applicant has declared;
      5. that the Administering Faculty is willing to provide any “matching contributions” to which it has agreed;
      6. that the applicant has the time to do the proposed Research work;
      7. that the applicant is eligible to hold awards under University Policies and Procedures and the Research Sponsor’s Policies and/or Requirements;
      8. that the Dean of the Faculty in which the applicant has their Principal Appointment has approved any requested teaching, administrative release and/or salary support;
      9. that, where applicable, the negotiated terms and conditions of the Research Agreement have been agreed to.
    4. Signature of proposals and applications for Research Grants and Research Contracts by the responsible service within the OVPRI confirms:
      1. that the University approves of the application or proposal as submitted;
      2. that the University agrees to comply with Research Sponsors’ Policies and/or Requirements;
      3. that the University agrees to administer the Research funds if awarded by the Research Sponsor.