Date and Instance of Approval
February 12, 2025
Vice-President, Advancement
- This document establishes the information required and steps for the submission of a naming proposal for the naming of a University Asset as defined in Policy 100 – Naming of University Assets (“Policy 100”).
- Capitalized words or expressions used in this Procedure that are not defined in this Procedure are defined in Policy 100.
- The following words and expressions have the corresponding meaning for the purposes of interpreting this Procedure.
“Head of Unit” means the University employee who holds a University position with the highest level of managerial decision-making authority of the unit responsible for the University Asset.
“Naming Proposal” means a proposal to name a University Asset or to change or remove an existing naming of a University Asset.
- This Procedure is to be read and applied in conjunction with Policy 100 and applies to all Naming Proposals.
- A Naming Proposal for the naming of a University Asset must be in writing and must contain all the following information:
- a summary of the context or background associated with the naming
- a description of the University Asset
- the name of the individual or entity who is the subject of the Naming Proposal
- information about the individual or entity who is the subject of the Naming Proposal
- demonstrating their distinction, sound reputation and integrity;
- explaining their relationship to the University;
- supporting the proposed timing of the naming, if applicable; and
- outlining any other consideration relevant to the individual or entity.
- the proposed duration of the naming period
- demonstration that the Naming Proposal
- contributes to the University’s objects and purposes and is consistent with the University’s mission and priorities;
- enhances the University’s reputation and preserves its integrity; and
- preserves the University’s autonomy and does not interfere with academic freedom or the University’s ability to set its teaching, research, and operational priorities.
- the implications of the Naming Proposal on other naming opportunities (existing or future) associated with the University Asset, and if applicable, on an academic unit or administrative service, in the context of the University’s mission and priorities
- a statement on the consultations and level of support for the proposal within the relevant faculty, service or unit and attaching correspondence, if any, submitted by members of the University community relevant to the Naming Proposal
- a description of
- concerns or risks, if any, and impact (short-term and long-term) to the University’s teaching, research, operations or to future philanthropic contributions to the University and plans or measures to address the concerns, risks, and impacts; and
- plans or measures to address potential changes to the University Asset in future or to address a renaming of the University Asset after the naming period expires.
- if there are no concerns or risks, a statement to confirm that none have been identified
- where applicable, a statement to confirm that the Naming Proposal meets with the University’s funding minimums
- in addition to the information in a) to k) above, when the Naming Proposal is associated with a gift to the University, the Naming Proposal must contain the following information:
- the nature of the gift, the monetary value of the gift, the gift payment schedule with a copy of any relevant gift agreement(s) attached
- the expected impact of the gift on the priorities of the University and if applicable, the faculty or unit involved
- the cost to the University, if any, to maintain or sustain the gift
- the plan or measures if the gift is not fulfilled and received by the University
- A Naming Proposal for the change or removal of an existing naming of a University Asset must be in writing and must contain:
- a summary of the context or background associated with the naming
- a description of the University Asset
- the name of the individual or entity who is the subject of the Naming Proposal
- information about the individual or entity who is the subject of the Naming Proposal
- explaining their relationship to the University;
- explaining the reasons for the change or the removal of the naming;
- supporting the proposed timing of the change or removal of the naming, if applicable; and
- outlining any other consideration relevant to the individual or entity and the change or removal of the naming.
- the original duration of the naming period
- the implications of changing or removing the existing naming on other naming opportunities (existing or future) associated with the University Asset, and if applicable, on an academic unit or administrative service, in the context of the University’s mission and priorities
- a statement on the consultations and level of support for the change or removal of the existing naming within the relevant faculty, service or unit and attaching correspondence, if any, submitted by members of the University community relevant to the Naming Proposal
- a description of concerns or risks, if any, and impact (short-term and long-term) to the University’s teaching, research, operations or to future philanthropic contributions to the University and plans or measures to address the concerns, risks and impacts
- if there are no concerns or risks, a statement to confirm that none have been identified
- in addition to the information in a) to i) above, when the existing naming was associated with a gift to the University, the Naming Proposal must contain the following information:
- the nature of the gift, the monetary value of the gift, attaching a copy of any relevant gift agreement(s);
- a statement confirming that the gift was fulfilled and received by the University and the impact it has or has had on the University and if applicable, the faculty, service or unit involved with the gift;
- the contacts made with the donor(s) or their representative(s), or efforts made in this regard, to inform them of the proposal to change or remove the naming;
- the plan to inform the donor(s) or their representative(s) once the final decision has been made and the plan or measures to address any risks associated with the change or removal of the existing naming and the University’s relationship with the donor(s) or their representative(s) or other donor(s);
- if an alternative naming is proposed concurrently with the proposal to change or remove the existing naming, then the Naming Proposal should contain the information described in 4.1 of this Procedure.
- A Naming Proposal for the naming of a University Asset must be in writing and must contain all the following information: