Previously known as “Policy 94 on the proactive recruitment of women professors”, this fund is designed to help limit the effects of family responsibilities (births, care of parents, spouse, or children) on the career of women who are part of the professorial workforce, whether work interruptions have occurred or not.

Deadline: February 5, 2025


In their application, applicants should:

  • Explain their immediate needs at this point in their career path (article publication, research, teaching)
  • Explain how the funding will be used and how it will enhance their career development and the achievement of professional goals
  • Explain why their career path has been slowed down by family-related obstacles/challenges and emphasize how this financial support will help them bridge this gap.

Professors holding regular APUO positions are eligible for this financial support/scholarship. 


Professors are invited to submit their applications by providing the following documents electronically:

  • A maximum 5-page application form (Word, 31 KB). Professors are encouraged to evaluate their immediate needs (article publication, research, teaching) and clearly identify how this project will meet those needs and enhance their career;
  • The Dean’s letter of support;
  • Confirmation of their workload for the last three years. We require a summary of the applicant’s teaching workload. In the past, some candidates have also included their supervisory, research and administrative duties;
  • A maximum 8-page updated, abbreviated CV.

Grant allocation committee

  • The Grant allocation committee is made up of two deans, vice-provosts or associate vice-deans and a person delegated by the Provost and Vice-president, Academic Affairs.
  • The committee meets once during the winter to review applications and select recipients.
  • Generally, decisions are made within three months of the closing date for applications.


  • A maximum of $9,000 will be granted per application. This is the equivalent of a three-credit course load reduction.
  • The funds requested may be used to pay off a course or to support research. Travel or conference costs are not eligible. The same applies to the purchase of books, journals or computer equipment (e.g. software) or the production of videos, which cannot be financed by this fund.
  • If the professor is considering requesting a course load reduction, it is recommended that they first discuss their plans with the Dean as soon as possible, so that he or she can take it into account when preparing workloads.
  • Professors are also encouraged to discuss their project with the chair of their department.
  • The Grant Allocation Committee will favour projects which have merit, but that may not meet the requirements of other grant agencies.

Questions or comments

Should you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

This funds was previously known as Policy 94 on the Pro-Active Recruitment of Women Professors. The guidelines were updated in 2023.