The provincial organism responsible for the quality of all undergraduate and graduate programs as well as for overseeing the audit of each university’s quality assurance process is the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurancenorth_eastexternal link (the “Quality Council”), established by the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) in 2010.
Each university is required to design and implement its own Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP) in accordance with both the Quality Council’s Quality Assurance Frameworknorth_eastexternal link and the institution’s mission and degree level expectations.
The University of Ottawa’s IQAP was approved by the University Senate in January 2019 and was ratified by the Quality Council in May 2019. The IQAP includes all protocols in place for the evaluation and modification of existing programs of study as well as for the approval of new programs, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. These protocols aim to ensure continuous improvement of programs. The IQAP enables the University to ensure the best quality and the highest standards in the programs it offers.