Program evaluation is a pillar of our quality assurance activities.

Cyclical review of programs

As part of the University of Ottawa’s Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP) (PDF, 678 KB), all programs are evaluated every seven years (maximum of eight years) to ensure that we continuously deliver the highest standards and quality in our programs. 

The goal of the cyclical review process is to constantly improve our quality programs and engage the academic units in a culture of progressive and continuous learning. The cyclical review is not simply an administrative requirement. Rather, it is an opportunity to develop and strengthen programs that are currently of good quality and to address any challenges within our programs. 

These cyclical program evaluations measure the degree to which programs: 

  • Have attained their program goals and desired learning outcomes
  • Meet student’s needs and provide them with a university experience that lives up to their expectations
  • Help the University accomplish its academic goals and mission
  • Possess the quantity and quality of human, financial and material resources required
  • Are viable and relevant 

The self-study element of a cyclical review is a critical look at all aspects of a program—the curriculum, student population and faculty resources as well as all other human, financial and material resources. It is an in-depth, forward-looking probe based on significant amounts of data as well as quality indicators.

All hands coming together

Teaching and Learning Support Service (TLSS)

Get support from our Teaching and Learning Support Service (TLSS) and learn more about the process, the steps and the timeline.
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Final assessment reports and implementation plans

Faculty of Arts

a hand raised to ask a question

Questions or comments?

Please contact us for any question or comment regarding cyclical review of programs.
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