Executive Committee of the Senate

The Executive Committee of the Senate is primarily responsible for receiving requests made to the Senate.

It can either deal with them itself, refer them to the appropriate Senate committee for consideration and recommendation, or submit them directly to the Senate. The Committee also receives reports from Senate committees, for submission to the Senate or immediate approval. It ensures that Senate committees function properly and submit to the Senate recommendations for the betterment of the University;

Terms of Reference


The Executive Committee of the Senate was established on February 9, 1970 by resolution of the Senate (69-70.194-197). The terms of reference were amended by the Senate on October 4, 2004 (2004-2005.6).


The Executive Committee is a standing committee of the Senate.


The Committee is responsible for:

  • a)    receiving requests made to the Senate and either deal with them itself, unless they are matters that the Senate has specifically reserved to its jurisdiction, referring them immediately to the appropriate Senate committee for consideration and recommendation, or submitting them directly to the Senate;
  • b)    receiving reports from Senate committees either for submission to the Senate or for immediate approval;
  • c)    ensuring that committees function properly and present to the Senate all reports of committees along with its own decisions;
  • d)    submitting to the Senate any recommendation it considers apt to contribute to the betterment of the University;
  • e)    discharging such other responsibilities as the Senate may entrust from time to time.


The members of the Committee are:

  • a)    the President;
  • b)    the Vice-President Academic and Provost;
  • c)    the Secretary of the University;
  • d)    six members of the Senate elected by the Senate for three-year terms renewable once.


  •     Chair: the President;
  •     Vice-Chair: the Vice-President Academic and Provost;
  •     Secretary: the Secretary of the University.

Relations with Senate

The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee are reviewed at the meetings of the Senate; they are therefore circulated to the members of the Senate.

Members of the Senate may attend the meetings of the Executive Committee.

The Chair or his substitute may invite any senator for consideration of any question and any senator may ask to be heard by the Committee.


The Committee shall meet as often as required to perform its functions at the request of its Chair or his substitute or of three members of the Committee.


A majority of the members constitutes the quorum.

Secretarial Services

Secretarial services are provided by the Office of the Secretary of the University



Jacques Frémont
President and Vice-Chancellor
Ex Officio Member

Vice Chair

Jacques Beauvais
Interim Provost and Vice-President Academic Affairs


Annick Bergeron
Ex Officio Member

Alexander Hnatovsky
Undergraduate Student
Elected by the Senate

Martin Lalumière
Faculty of Social Sciences
Elected by the Senate

Victor Leblanc
Faculty of Sciences
Elected by the Senate

Yves Pelletier
International and Francophonie
Elected by the Senate

Jérémie Séror
Faculty of Arts
Elected by the Senate

Charles Thickstun
Graduate Student
Faculty of Science
Elected by the Senate


Nicki Fontaine
Governance Officer
Office of the Secretary-General