Terms of Reference



This committee was created by Senate Resolution 2022-2023.016. (meeting of November 21, 2022)


  • To monitor issues involving academic freedom and report its findings. The Committee must meet at least once a year to provide an update on all complaints related to academic freedom and/or freedom of expression at the University that it receives through other current mechanisms, and report on the number and general nature of these complaints.
  • To act in an advisory capacity when required. Faculty deans or vice-deans may convene the Committee to discuss general or recurring cases occurring within their faculties and seek the Committee’s advice on what approaches to take.
  • To play an advisory role in training and support activities, most notably by recommending training.
  • To present a report to the Senate on its activities, either annually or at the request of the Senate or of its Executive Committee.


The Committee will comprise eight members appointed by the Executive Committee of the Senate, specifically:

  • as chair, a full professor with legal expertise who is employed full time;
  • three full professors who are employed full time;
  • three members of the student body, of which two are undergraduates and one a graduate student;
  • one part-time professor who is also a student.

The chair may appoint another person to ensure linguistic balance and committee diversity.

The undergraduate student members will be chosen by the Executive Committee of the Senate from among the candidates presented by a selection committee comprising undergraduate members of the Senate and one member of the University of Ottawa Student Union (UOSU). The graduate student member will be chosen by the Executive Committee of the Senate from among candidates presented by a selection committee comprising graduate student members of the Senate and one member of the Graduate Students Association (GSAED).

Duration of terms

Terms are for a maximum of three years, renewable;


A majority of Committee members attending the meeting will constitute a quorum.

Secretarial Services

The Secretary-general will attend meetings as a resource person and their office will provide secretarial services



Graham Mayeda
Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
End of Mandate: 2025-11-21

Marie-Eve Sylvestre
Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section
End of Mandate: 2024-11-21


Reana Agil
Undergraduate Student
Telfer School of Management
End of Mandate: 2026-11-21

Marc Charron
Faculty of Arts
End of Mandate: 2027-11-21

Nomi Clare Lazar
Full-time Professor
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
End of Mandate: 2027-11-21

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