Meeting of Tuesday, April 14, 2022 at 3:00 pm

Tuesday April 19, 2022
From 15:00 to 17:00


1. Approval of the Agenda 

2. Approval of Minutes of the February 14, 2022 meeting  

3. Business arising from the minutes 


4. Major Modifications
a)    Faculty of Science 
Modifications to the Honours bachelor’s in biology (2022-UGRD-SCIEN-BIO-02) 

b)    Faculty of Social Sciences 
Modifications to Master of Public Administration (2021-GRAD-SSOC-PAP-05) 

c)    Faculty of Social Sciences 
Modifications to the Doctorate in Philosophy Clinical Psychology (2021-GRAD-SSOC-PSY-03) 

5. Program Creation
a)    Faculty of Engineering
Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Design (2021-UGRD-GENIE-SED-01) 

6. Academic Regulations
a)    Academic Regulation I-9.5
Justification of absence from an examination or of late submission of assignments (2021-2022 VPAA 002) 

b)    Academic Regulation I-9.6
Eligibility for supplemental examination (2021-2022 VPAA 003)


7. Report from the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs 

8. Update on the Senate Ad Hoc Committee for the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Report of the Committee on Academic Freedom 

9. Report from the Vice-President, International and Francophonie 

10. Update on the Senate Ad hoc Committee on Student Rights and Responsible Conduct 

11. Update from the Vice-President, Research and Innovation 

12. Other Business 

Next Meeting: May 16, 2022