Need an expert? Ontario Prison Report, Climate Change and Flooding

Need an expert
 wear a mask, no handshake and a tower of toilet paper rolls

Howard Sapers presents prison reform report

Justin Piché
Department of Criminology, Faculty of Social Sciences
Prison, penal and carceral expansion, alternatives to incarceration, punishment and carceral controls, cultural representations of confinement and punishment, human rights
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 1812
Cell: 613-793-1093
[email protected]

Climate change and record flooding

Paul Beckwith
Laboratory for Paleoclimatology and Climatology, Department of Geography
Abrupt climate change, storms, flooding, Arctic sea-ice behaviour, methane and carbon dioxide concentrations, system feedbacks, regional geoengineering, climate change education and presentations, social media climate change advocacy
Office: 613-979-3957
Home: 613-233-3957
[email protected]  

Ousmane Seidou
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering 
Hydrological modelling, extreme events, climate change and water, adaptation to climate change
Phone: 613-501-5459
[email protected]

Colin Rennie
Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Hydrodynamics, sedimentology
Office: 613-562-5800 (6124)
[email protected]