Trudeau's cabinet reshuffle

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau viewed from iPhone
Charles Deluvio (Unsplash)
Academic experts available to provide context or comment on the following topic:

Trudeau's cabinet reshuffle

Members of the media may directly contact the following experts:

Michael Wernick (English and French)

Jarislowsky Chair in Public Management and Part-time professor, Faculty of Social Sciences

[email protected]

Professor Wernick can discuss the cabinet reshuffle and how it works.

Carolyn Whitzman (English only)

Invited Professor, Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, Faculty of Arts

[email protected]

Professor Whitzman can comment on questions about the impact of the reshuffle on housing.

Gilles Levasseur (English and French)

Faculty of Law - Civil Law Section; Telfer School of Management

[email protected]
[email protected]

Professor Levasseur can speak to:

  • What the reshuffle means to the Canadian economy and its competitiveness
  • Importance of fulfilling the Prime Minister's mandate
  • The need for good governance heading into the challenges of 2023/24.

David Gray (English and French)

Full Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences

[email protected]

Professor Gray can discuss the reshuffle's impact on labor economics and labor policy themes.