MEDIA ADVISORY: Launch of ‘Becoming Antiracist’ educational tool

Logos of uOttawa's FSS and V-TRaac and UQO

The University of Ottawa’s V-TRaC lab invites you to the virtual launch of the ‘Becoming Antiracist’ educational training tool, funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada and created for use at schools, community organizations and the public. 

Born out of the mental health research of Professors Jude Mary Cénat (Faculty of Social Sciences, uOttawa), Assumpta Ndengeyingoma (Université du Québec en Outaouais) and Cary Kogan (Faculty of Social Science, uOttawa), the Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience and Culture Research Laboratory (V-TRaC) is offering this tool to education boards and community organizations across Canada, providing a public resource to help combat racism in society.


  • Dr. Jude Mary Cénat, associate professor, School of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, uOttawa.
  • Victoria Barham, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, uOttawa.
  • Boulou Ebanda De B’beri, Special Advisor on Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence, uOttawa.
  • Firdaus Kharas, Chairman at Chocolate Moose Media (creators of videos).

When: Thursday, July 29 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

How: Register via Zoom

A Question and Answer period will be included, following the presentation of the video.

For all media enquiries, including video viewing: [email protected]