Message to uOttawa support staff on strike

Top view of the framed knots generated in this work.

The following message is for support staff (SSUO-OSSTF) who are on strike as of 12:01 am this morning.

Dear SSUO Members

We know that negotiations and a strike are stressful for everyone. We are very disappointed about the outcome. No one at the University wants you to be on strike.

We want you to know that we have listened carefully to your concerns and we have made significant improvements to your terms and conditions of employment since our last offer in June.

On Friday, we presented your union’s bargaining committee with an offer that includes:

  • A coinsurance plan modified from our June offer
  • Wage increases that are the maximum allowable under current provincial legislation (Bill 124)
  • Improvements to the job security provision that result in 100 new positions in the bargaining unit by including all temporary employees and reviewing vacant positions within 90 days
  • Benefit improvements that include:
    • Increasing psychological services
    • Private hospital room coverage

We hope that your union will take the time to explain these changes to you and seriously consider the significant improvements that have been made in this offer so we can end this strike.  This way, students, faculty and staff can benefit from the important work that you do for our academic mission.  

Karina Adam

Associate Vice-President, Human Resources