President’s message - Return to campus January 31

As you know, the pandemic situation is evolving rapidly and there is every indication that the conditions for a safe return to campus will soon be met. Hospitalizations are down in the Ottawa region and wastewater testing shows that the peak of the current wave will be behind us very soon, if it isn’t already.

Information we have received to date from provincial and municipal public health authorities is unequivocal. The message is clear: under current conditions, we can envisage a return to campus in person starting January 31, so long as preventative measures are followed at all times, including mandatory vaccination, masking and physical distancing of two metres, along with other public health and safety recommendations. Vaccination remains our best protection against COVID-19. That’s why we will continue to require double vaccination for anyone setting foot on campus and encourage everyone to get their booster shot. As well, ventilation on campus has already been upgraded to meet, indeed exceed, recommended public health standards.

This being the situation, it is essential that students be able to resume their normal activities, for their well-being and personal growth, including a return to classrooms and campus buildings. It is also important that University staff once again be able to work together, right on campus. Our research mission must be pursued with renewed vigour.

I therefore confirm that the return to campus will begin January 31 for students and professors. All in-person or bimodal courses will be given as initially planned for in the Winter 2022 term calendar. You will receive individual instructions from your faculty soon, including physical distancing requirements to follow. Everyone must use the COVID-19 assessment tool before coming to the campus, to confirm that you have no COVID-19 symptoms.

As for support staff, they will make a gradual return to campus by mid-March. The same above-mentioned conditions will apply, to ensure the health and safety of our community. We will favour a hybrid formula, namely, in person and telework, according to the rules that have already been announced. Your managers will contact you shortly to explain the terms of the return that will apply in your unit.

I know that the past two years of uncertainty have been trying and I encourage you to make use of our mental health services or any other available services if you feel the need to. We will strive to move forward together, looking out for each other’s well-being. The start of 2022 has not been easy. Let’s hope that the rest of the year unfolds in greater calm. I thank you for the constant resilience and I assure you that we will work doggedly, along with teams throughout the campus, to make this return as safe as possible. 

I truly look forward to seeing you again on campus!

Jacques Frémont, President and Vice-Chancellor