The University of Ottawa welcomes the signing of the MOU for the creation of the French-language University of Ontario

Digital Ecosystem

The University of Ottawa is pleased with the agreement that confirms the creation of a new post-secondary francophone institution in Ontario which was announced yesterday by both the federal and the provincial governments.

“This historic agreement will contribute to the establishment of a new francophone higher education institution in Ontario. The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to create, at long last, the Université de l'Ontario francais (UOF) is wonderful news for the francophone community of Ontario, francophones and francophiles across Canada and for all Canadians”, said the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ottawa, Jacques Frémont.

The UOF is the culmination of a decade's worth of grassroots efforts by the Franco-Ontarian community, as well as the result of an unprecedented mobilization over the last few months of francophones and francophiles from coast to coast to coast in addition to all Canadians..

President Frémont reiterated that the University has always supported the creation of a French-language university in the Greater Toronto Area. Since the inception of this project, uOttawa has contributed towards the elaboration of the concept. The University will continue and intensify its collaboration with the UOF in the coming years, as it will become a partner of the institution.

"The University of Ottawa represents a key levy for the development and the influence of the Franco-Ontarian community. Our alumni provide health cares and legal advice, teach, work in the public service and contribute to our vibrant culture across the country; all this in French. The creation of the UOF will diversify the offering of post-secondary services in French and this is tremendous news. The more francophone and bilingual colleges and universities we haves in Canada, the better Francophones’ best interest will be served,” concluded President Frémont.

