Members of the University of Ottawa community are deeply saddened by the loss of life and injury due to the tragic explosion which took place in Beirut on August 4, 2020. On behalf of our students, faculty and staff we offer our thoughts, courage and prayers to the victims, their families, members of the uOttawa Lebanese community and the Lebanese diaspora both here in Canada and around the world during this difficult period.
The University has lowered its flags at half-mast in solidarity with the Lebanese community.
We want to remind you that if you are grieving or in need of support, services are available to members of our university community.
Students can book a virtual counselling session by visiting: https://sass.uottawa.ca/en/personal .
There are further resources available on the Virtual Wellness site at: https://www.uottawa.ca/wellness/covid-19/virtual-series.
Ressources additionnelles - Other resources
La clinique de counselling sans rendez-vous https://walkincounselling.com/fr/
The Walk-In Counselling Clinic https://walkincounselling.com/
Allô J’écoute- 1 866 925 5454 https://allojecoute.ca/
Good 2 Talk - 1 866 925 5454 https://good2talk.ca/
Ligne de crise/Mental Health Crisis Line: 1 866 996 0991
Tel-Aide Outaouais (Gatineau 819 775 3223) (Ottawa 613 741 6433) 1-800-567-9699
In case of an emergency
Protection Services (24/7): 613-562-5411 (or ext. 5411 on campus)
Emergency services: 911
Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP, 24/7): 1-844-880-9142