Explainer: Pope Francis' openness to blessing same-sex couples

By Bernard Rizk

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Pope Francis' openness to blessing same-sex couples
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Pope Francis' openness to blessing same-sex couples

Pope Francis has suggested he would be open to having the Catholic Church bless same-sex couples. Responding to a group of cardinals who asked him for clarity on the issue, he said any request for a blessing should be treated with "pastoral charity".

We asked Emma Anderson, Full Professor, Department of Classics and Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts about the meaning of the “blessing” and if Pope Francis could change a doctrine of the Catholic Church.

Does “blessing” mean acceptance? 

E.A.: No. This actually isn't a shift in policy at all: the Pope is merely signaling that, as a pastoral response, Catholic priests that wish to can bless same sex unions, conducted in other settings, after the fact. This doesn't mean that the Catholic Church will be performing same sex marriages itself or changing its policies towards homosexuality. It is similar to what the Anglican Church enacted recently. However, it does represent a shift in tone prior to the Synod, so is important. 

Why did Pope Francis publish his response now? 

E.A.: It seems that the Pope wants to signal ahead of the Synod that he himself is open to the idea of blessing same sex unions after the fact before the Synod starts. It could be read as a gesture of defiance of his conservative detractors.  It is part of an ongoing battle that he has been engaged in with traditionalists.  

What is the Vatican's official stance on gay marriage?

E.A.: They still don't recognize it. It is not seen as equivalent to traditional marriage between a man and a woman with the goal of procreation.  Marriage is considered a sacrament of the Church in Catholicism.  

What will the three-week synod address? 

E.A.: It will explore many other issues, including the ordination of women.

What did Pope Francis emphasize in his response about pastoral charity? 

E.A.: In my view, Pope Francis emphasizes pastoral charity because it is an important loophole of sorts. Pope Francis can say that priests are entitled to bless same sex union because to bless someone is simply to ask for God's benediction (love, support, kindness, protection) towards them. It is similar to what he advocated about divorced Catholics being able to take communion.

Could a Pope alone change a doctrine of the Catholic Church?

E.A.: Technically, yes. The Pope is the supreme leader of the Catholic Church and so his power is technically unlimited. In practice, however, if the Pope acts abruptly in a way that isn't supported by his cardinals, archbishops, and bishops, he risks a schism or the defection of people, in an organized manner, from the church (similar to what happened during the Protestant Reformation).  

Members of the media may directly contact:

Emma Anderson (English and French)

Full Professor, Department of Classics and Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts

[email protected]

Please note that Professor Anderson is on sabbatical for the fall, she can only do interviews by phone, Zoom, etc., rather than in-person.