Access services online: Introducing your new Self-Service Centre

Computer software and applications
Desk with laptop.
It’s been busy. You need help with an online account, and to submit an expense report… oh and let’s not forget about that classroom that needs to be set-up with equipment for September. Time to send a bunch of emails, but wait, there’s an easier way.

Big news: we are rebranding the IT Service Portal to Self-Service CentreThe change will occur on August 12, 2021. We have been exploring new possibilities for your online requests to better leverage existing tools for new business requirements. That means one tool to consolidate various service requests. You’ll be able to submit, track and manage requests sent to multiple University services from a single tool!

Why the name change?

The Self-Service Centre will be used for more than just IT services. You may have noticed some new elements such as the section for Financial Resources. By having the same tool for multiple services, user support is facilitated through tool familiarity and a common user experience. We are working with more sectors to add tailored services to the Self-Service Centre.

And we are continuing to add new University business sectors to the service portal. As more and more services are being added, the name change accommodates non-technical services and makes it clear to users that the service portal is no longer restricted to IT transactions.

Check out the new Self-Service Centre.

Questions about this change can be forwarded to Jean-François Dion, IT Manager Service Management.