Canada’s new AI measures

By Bernard Rizk

Media Relations Officer, External Relations, uOttawa

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Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law - Common Law Section
Faculty of Law - Civil Law Section
Academic experts available to provide context or comment on the following topic:

Canada’s new AI measures

Members of the media may directly contact:

Teresa Scassa (English and French)

Canada Research Chair in Information Law and Policy; Full Professor, Common Law Section, Faculty of Law

[email protected]

Professor Scassa’s research explores the intersection of law and technology, and she draws upon interdisciplinary approaches and networks in her work.

"This voluntary code of conduct is meant to respond to growing concerns over the risks of generative AI just as debate opens before Parliament's INDU committee over a Bill that includes a proposed AI and Data Act. Both the code and the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (AIDA) have been criticized for lack of public consultation, and both reveal an industry-friendly light-touch approach."

Karen Eltis (English and French)

Full Professor, Civil Law Section, Faculty of Law

[email protected]

Professor Karen Eltis specializes in artificial intelligence/ innovation law and policy and cybersecurity from a comparative perspective.

She is the author of Courts, Litigants, and the Digital Age, which examines the ramifications of technology for courts, judges and the administration of justice. 

Florian Martin-Bariteau (English and French)

Associate Professor, Faculty of Law – Common Law Section. Research Chair in Technology and Society. Director, University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society

A technologist and creative turned legal scholar, his research focuses on technology law, ethics and policy, with a special interest in artificial intelligence, blockchain, quantum science and technologies, cybersecurity, whistleblowers and intellectual property.

[email protected]