The Digital Campus Transformation Plan: Innovating for tomorrow

Information Technology
4 photos representing the Transformation plan.
On July 10, 2020, uOttawa launched its ambitious Digital Campus Transformation Plan, a robust five-year plan that will bring meaningful and lasting change to the technology landscape at the University.
Martin Bernier

“The plan brings the entire University community together to advance technology solutions that will positively impact our digital interactions as we build the university of tomorrow.”

Martin Bernier

— Chief Information Officer

Over the past several months, key stakeholders engaged in thoughtful conversations with subject-matter experts and community members about what it means to learn, research and work at the University of Ottawa, and about ways to bring the institution to new heights.

“Technology is an unavoidable component of teaching and learning today, so it was vital for us to be a major stakeholder in shaping this plan.We all want to deliver the best academic experience possible,” says Alain Erdmer, Director General, Teaching and Learning Support Services (TLSS).

“The creation of this plan was timely and critical, even before COVID-19. Digital transformation is a fundamental aspect in shaping and supporting a meaningful university experience for students, faculty and staff. This plan is our road map to ensure the university is well-equipped to face our real-life challenges,” says Liam Peyton, Vice-Dean, Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Engineering

The Digital Campus Transformation Plan is a bold, ambitious and inclusive project that aligns itself with the University’s Transformation 2030  strategic ten-year plan. It aims to diversify the University’s technological landscape in order to be more agile, more connected, more impactful, and more sustainable. With this digital lens in mind, it communicates a joint technological vision to make learning, teaching, and research more meaningful and dynamic for the community, well into the future.

“The pandemic has shown us that our University is at an important crossroads when it comes to technology. We can no longer maintain status quo if we want to offer our students an unparalleled learning experience. The Digital Campus Transformation Plan is our chance to innovate,” says Lucie Thibault, Dean of Health Sciences.

With our reality rapidly changing over the past year, the University identified the need to make important changes in how it operates. The University is change-ready and in working together, we are capable of absorbing the accelerated pace, which is proposed in this bold, five-year Digital Campus Transformation Plan. With innovation at the forefront, we are ready to build the university of tomorrow. 

“ We all have a role to play in ensuring that the Digital Campus Transformation Plan succeeds in supporting the academic mission of the institution,’’ observes Associate Vice-President Enrolment Management Eric Bercier.

Consult the Digital Campus Transformation Plan!
See what’s in it for you and where we are headed. Let us know what you think by filling out this survey. We look forward to working alongside all of you, our students, professors, and support staff as we inspire innovation and lead digital transformation.