As professors are teaching online and bimodally, technological concerns have popped up, which is where the Information Technology comes in. Professors are encouraged to use these meetings to provide feedback on their technological teaching experience.

“The feedback from the professors, as users of IT services, is invaluable. I am looking forward to see more opportunities to co-develop with them!”
Kathleen Webster
— Deputy Chief Information Officer for IT
Professors feel comfortable expressing their individual concerns as well as their collective issues. The Institutional Information Technology, Library and TLSS are receptive and constantly coming up with initial steps and project initiatives to help solve the problems, such as with improving classroom equipment. Professors expressed positive responses to recent initiatives in cyber security, such as IT’s efforts to secure University-issued devices. Participants in the meeting were thankful for the changes and expressed how helpful those improvements were to them.
The issues and solutions identified from these meetings have made a positive impact on the teaching experience of professors at the University. For example, at one meeting, graduate students said they did not have VPN access and that this was problematic for their learning and research. Being made aware of the issue, the IT team was able to implement a new process by which all graduate students now get VPN access by default.

“Happy to participate and grateful to have this space to voice our opinions, concerns and suggestions. Great initiative indeed!”
Umar Ruhi
— Associate Professor at the Telfer School of Management
At the last meeting, participating professors wanted to ensure other professors were aware of the technical support for professors webpage detailing the IT resources available to them.
The next meeting is on November 25th, 2021.
If you would like to participate, please reach out to the CIO office: [email protected].
Thank you to the participants and everyone involved in this collaboration:
Jean-Ray Arsenau, Jean-Claude Beique, Steffany Bennett, Martin Bernier, Melissa Brasgold, Celine Castets-Renard, Alex Dipietro, Chad Gaffield, Guy-Vincent Jourdan, David Knox, Mathieu Lavallee, Timothy Lethbridge, Florian Martin-Bariteau, Liam Peyton, Umar Ruhi, Sandra Schillo, Evan Sterling, Marijke Taks, Marc Tasse, Daniel Trottier, Jada Watson, and Kathleen Webster.