Employee engagement goes beyond satisfaction

Remote working
Employee engagement.
The pandemic has inspired many to re-evaluate their priorities in all aspects of life. Telework is the new default and our personal and professional lives are more enmeshed than ever before.

While we certainly don’t live to work, it’s important to enjoy the time we spend working.

For this reason, Information Technology launched an Employee Engagement Survey with its staff in December 2021. Produced by McLean & Company, the survey ran from December 8, 2021 to January 21, 2022. During this period, 56% of employees participated in the survey.

The survey found the majority of employees to be engaged (55.4%) or almost engaged (27.7%). In fact, the Employee Engagement Score is 16.9, more than twice the benchmark average.

The findings offer insight into how employees feel about various topics and areas. The results include a priority matrix that highlights strengths as well as areas to improve. This provides valuable information on what we have done right so far, and tells us where we need to adjust and continue our efforts.

In Information Technology, people and relationships truly matter. Hard work has been done to create a cordial atmosphere and culture that encourages collaboration while maintaining excellence. Our employees are our most important resource, and their wellbeing is paramount to our success. We continue to strive to offer the best work environment possible and to maintain meaningful connections.

Employees have now self-mobilised, created their own working group, and are actively working at providing leadership with their own recommendations based on the survey results: how is that for engagement!