Get to know Senior Software Developer Jean-Roch Bécart

Information Technology
Information Technology
Meet Jean-Roch

What was your last career change?

In 2019, still in the IT field, I left my position as a web developer at the central office to join the Faculty of Science in a similar role to what I had previously held in the IT department of a school board in Toronto.

What contributed to its success?

In 2019, I made a significant career change by joining the university as a senior programmer analyst within the Faculty of Science. What greatly contributed to the success of this transition was my solid IT experience acquired over the years working with non-IT services and in conceptualizing tools for both teachers and students. My interest in technological innovation allowed me to quickly integrate into this new academic environment. Additionally, my project management and problem-solving skills proved invaluable in meeting the demands of this position and adapting to the unique challenges of the educational sector.

What was the most significant obstacle to overcome in adapting to your new role?

The most significant obstacle to overcome in adapting to my new role was mastering the complexity of the administrative and bureaucratic processes specific to the University environment, particularly the multitude of acronyms used in IT at the University and the terms specific to uOttawa. I had to not only master specific technologies but also understand and navigate institutional structures, internal policies, and compliance procedures. This adaptation required increased patience and the ability to work closely with various departments and IT services while maintaining a high level of efficiency and precision in my technical projects. 

Implementing an IT project from A to Z within a faculty requires a lot of coordination and patience. Besides the technical and functional analysis, a project involves almost every IT team, and the steps to successfully complete a project are numerous.

What advice would you give to someone considering a job change?

Take the time to evaluate your current skills and identify those that will be necessary for the new position. Use your professional network to learn more about the new sector or role. Talking to people who already hold similar positions can offer valuable insights and practical advice. Be flexible and patient during the transition. Adaptation can take time, and it is important to remain open to feedback. 

Ensure that the new position meets your expectations in terms of work-life balance. A job change can significantly impact your daily life, so it is crucial to consider this aspect. Also, establish a clear plan with short- and long-term goals for your transition. This will give you direction and help you stay motivated throughout the change process.

How can colleagues help a person transition to new responsibilities?

An experienced colleague can serve as a mentor, offering advice, sharing experiences, and providing moral support. They can also help navigate the specific challenges of the position and organization. Colleagues can provide practical training on the company's tools, systems, and processes, including assistance with internal software, understanding operational procedures, and solving technical problems. 

Providing honest and constructive feedback is essential for learning and improvement. Colleagues can help by sharing observations and suggestions about the work done, helping to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

What aspects of your day do you enjoy?

I find great satisfaction in solving complex technical problems. Finding effective and innovative solutions is particularly rewarding. I try to create tools that meet a need by seeking easy and quick solutions to implement. For example, I have created an environment that allows me to add new tools within a few days by integrating all the requirements in terms of security, development cycle, deployment, and integrations. I strive to produce a functional version of a tool very quickly to show it to my client and then modify the tool in short cycles, as done with the agile methodology and sprints with Scrum. 

Another enjoyable aspect is that my work is not monotonous, and I use a wide range of technologies, whether for web applications, desktop applications, or even embedded system applications like Arduino.

If you were a chocolate bar, which one would you be?

If I were a chocolate bar, I would be a dark chocolate bar with praline and hazelnut pieces. 

Dark chocolate: Like dark chocolate, I prefer sophisticated things full of character. Dark chocolate is also known for its health benefits, just as I appreciate the beneficial and enriching aspects of my work in IT and artificial intelligence. 

Hazelnut pieces: The hazelnut pieces add a crunchy texture and subtle flavor, reflecting my appreciation for details and the little touches that make all the difference. They also symbolize my taste for challenges and innovations, adding an extra dimension to my career and personal life. 

Praline: With its sweetness and comforting nature, praline symbolizes my commitment to creating a positive and collaborative work environment. 

Together, these elements create a balanced and satisfying combination, well representing my balanced approach between professional rigor and personal enjoyment.

What ingredient should never be on a pizza?


What three items would you bring if you were sent to a deserted island?

  • A multifunctional knife (with integrated saw)
  • A portable water filter with an integrated desalinator
  • A survival kit including an emergency blanket, tarps, ropes, waterproof matches, a fire starter, a compass, a first aid kit, a fishing rod, a machete, a satellite phone with internet access, and a solar charger.

What aspects of your job do you think could benefit from AI automation?

  • Application prototyping
  • Code scaffolding, code review and bug fixes, code refactoring, code comments
  • Unit testing, among others! Probably in the very near future, all kinds of tests will be possible (even user acceptance testing)à
  • Code langage and data conversion
  • Language translations! Needed in all apps, interfaces, user instructions, etc.
  • Data analysis
  • Server maintenance

What benefits do you think AI brings to our workplace?

  • In the short term, AI can handle less cumbersome tasks like repetitive tasks, leading to faster work and more accomplishments. AI can improve security by spotting weak code.
  • In the medium term, AI might reduce the overall workload.
  • In the long term, I am not sure if it will beneficial, but I'm concerned that most jobs could become obsolete as AI and robots take over. 
    Considering the pace at which technology is evolving (each technical revolution is exponentially faster), it is estimated that by 2040, 40% of jobs will be automated, by 2050, 60%, and by 2060, 80%. 🤯🤯🤯